sea lettuce

sea lettuce
any seaweed of the genus Ulva, having large leaflike blades.

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▪ algae genus
 (Ulva), a genus of green algae usually found growing on rocky shores of seas and oceans. Some species also grow in brackish water rich in organic matter or sewage. The thallus, which somewhat resembles a lettuce leaf, is a sheet of cells up to 30 cm (12 inches) long and two cells thick and is embedded in a tough gelatinous sheath. The life cycle consists of alternation of similar spore-producing (diploid) and gamete-producing (haploid) generations. Asexual reproduction is either by accidental fragmentation or by gametes that act like motile spores.

      Sea lettuce is rich in iodine and in vitamins A, B, and C. In some societies it is used in salads and soups.

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  • Sea lettuce — Lettuce Let tuce (l[e^]t t[i^]s), n. [OE. letuce, prob. through Old French from some Late Latin derivative of L. lactuca lettuce, which, according to Varro, is fr. lac, lactis, milk, on account of the milky white juice which flows from it when it …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sea lettuce — Sea let tuce (Bot.) The green papery fronds of several seaweeds of the genus {Ulva}, sometimes used as food. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sea lettuce — n. any of a genus (Ulva) of marine green algae with edible, leaflike parts …   English World dictionary

  • Sea lettuce — Taxobox name = Sea lettuce image caption = Ulva lactuca regnum = Plantae phylum = Chlorophyta classis = Ulvophyceae ordo = Ulvales familia = Ulvaceae genus = Ulva genus authority = Linnaeus, 1753 subdivision ranks = Species subdivision = See text …   Wikipedia

  • sea lettuce — sea′ let tuce n. mcr any seaweed of the genus Ulva[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • sea lettuce — noun an edible seaweed with green fronds that resemble lettuce leaves. [Ulva lactuca.] …   English new terms dictionary

  • sea lettuce — /ˈsi lɛtəs/ (say see letuhs) noun a form of intertidal algae, Ulva lactuca, said to resemble lettuce leaves, and used as bait …  

  • sea lettuce — noun Date: 1668 any of a genus (Ulva) of marine green algae with broad fronds sometimes eaten as salad or used in soups …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • sea lettuce — noun seaweed with edible translucent crinkly green fronds • Syn: ↑laver • Hypernyms: ↑green algae, ↑chlorophyte • Member Holonyms: ↑Ulva, ↑genus Ulva …   Useful english dictionary

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