
/roj"euhr/, interj.
1. Informal. all right; O.K.
2. message received and understood (a response to radio communications).
3. (often cap.) See Jolly Roger.
4. (formerly used in communications to represent the letter R.)
[from the name Roger; in def. 2 repr. r(eceived)]

* * *

(as used in expressions)
Ascham Roger
Bacon Roger
Baldwin Roger Nash
Bannister Sir Roger Gilbert
Casement Sir Roger David
Clemens William Roger
Pierre Roger
Corman Roger William
Cray Seymour Roger
Fenton Roger
Fry Roger Eliot
Guillemin Roger Charles Louis
Maris Roger
Roger Eugene Maris
Martin du Gard Roger
Peterson Roger Tory
Roger Guiscard
Saint Exupéry Antoine Marie Roger de
Sessions Roger Huntington
Shepard Roger Newland
Sherman Roger
Sperry Roger
Staubach Roger Thomas
Taney Roger Brooke
Roger of Helmarshausen
Vadim Plemiannikov Roger
Williams Roger

* * *

duke of Apulia
byname  Roger Borsa,  Italian  Ruggiero Borsa 
born c. 1060
died 1111

      Norman duke of Apulia from 1085 to 1111, son of Robert Guiscard. His succession to his father's lands and title in 1085 led to a conflict with his half brother Bohemond de Hauteville. (See Bohemond I).

      Roger was the son of Robert Guiscard by Robert's second marriageto Sigelgaita, sister of the Lombard prince Gisulf of Salerno. Roger was called Borsa (“Purse”), to distinguish him from his uncle, Count Roger I of Sicily. With his brother Guy and his half brother Bohemond, Roger participated in Robert Guiscard's capture of Byzantine Corfu, off the coast of Greece, in 1083. At Sigelgaita's instigation, Robert named Roger Borsa as his heir rather than Bohemond, the son of his Norman first wife; and, when Robert died suddenly in 1085, Roger Borsa succeeded to the dukedom. His position was contested by Bohemond, who revolted and seized part of his father's territory. The quarrel continued until 1095, when Bohemond left on crusade.

      Roger Borsa was a weak ruler who, in spite of the support of the pope and of Count Roger, presided over the gradual disintegration of the duchy of Apulia.

ruler of Antioch
died June 28, 1119, principality of Antioch [now in Turkey]

      Norman ruler (111219) of the Crusader state of Antioch during the period of its greatest power.

      The son of Prince Richard of Salerno, he succeeded his uncle Tancred (Tancred of Hauteville) as regent in 1112. He forestalled a Seljuq Turkish attempt to reconquer Syria by his victory in the Battle of Danith (September 14, 1115). Fighting for possession of Aleppo, he was defeated and killed by the Artuqid Ilghāzī of Mardin in the Battle of the Field of Blood (June 27, 1119).

* * *

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