
/ri vizh"euh niz'euhm/, n.
1. advocacy or approval of revision.
2. any departure from Marxist doctrine, theory, or practice, esp. the tendency to favor reform above revolutionary change.
3. a departure from any authoritative or generally accepted doctrine, theory, practice, etc.
[1900-05; REVISION + -ISM]

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      in Marxist thought, originally the late 19th-century effort of Eduard Bernstein (Bernstein, Eduard) to revise Marxist doctrine. Rejecting the labour theory of value, economic determinism, and the significance of the class struggle, Bernstein argued that by that time German society had disproved some of Marx's predictions: he asserted that capitalism was not on the verge of collapse, capital was not being amassed by fewer and fewer persons, the middle class was not disappearing, and the working class was not afflicted byincreasing misery.”

      The revisionism of Bernstein aroused considerable controversy among the German Social Democrats of his day. Led by Karl Kautsky (Kautsky, Karl) (q.v.), they officially rejected it (Hanover Congress, 1889). Nevertheless, revisionism had a great impact on the party's practical policies.

      After the Bolshevik Revolution, the term revisionism came to be used by Communists as a label for certain types of deviation from established Marxist views. Thus, for example, the independent ideas and policies of the Yugoslav Communists were attacked asmodern revisionismby Soviet critics, who themselves were accused of revisionism by Chinese Communists.

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