
/ri spon"seuh/, n.
the branch of rabbinical literature comprised of authoritative replies in letter form made by noted rabbis or Jewish scholars to questions sent to them concerning Jewish law.
[1895-1900; < NL; pl. of RESPONSUM]

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Hebrew  Sheʾelot U-teshubot 

      (“questions and answers”), replies made by rabbinic scholars in answer to submitted questions about Jewish law. These replies began to be written in the 6th century after final redaction of the Talmud and are still being formulated. Estimates of the total number of published responsa, which range in length from a few words to lengthy monographs and compendia, vary from 250,000 to 500,000. These would probably fill more than 1,000 volumes if collected together. Responsa constitute a distinctive body of Jewish religious literature.

      The questions and answers frequently deal with such practical matters as the determination of those activities that may or may not be done on the Sabbath. These questions often arise from changing social conditions and new technology. Nineteenth- and 20th-century responsa have decided such questions as whether electric appliances can be used on the Sabbath. Responsa therefore often provide an unintended historical record of cultural and technological change.

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