
remonstrantly, adv.
/ri mon"streuhnt/, adj.
1. remonstrating; expostulatory.
2. a person who remonstrates.
3. (cap.) one of the Dutch Arminians whose doctrinal differences from strict Calvinists were set forth in 1610.
[1610-20; < ML remonstrant- (s. of remonstrans, prp. of remonstrare). See REMONSTRATE, -ANT]

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▪ Dutch Protestant
      any of the Dutch Protestants who, following the views of Jacobus Arminius (Arminius, Jacobus), presented to the States-General in 1610 a “remonstrance” setting forth their points of divergence from stricter Calvinism. The Remonstrants, assailed on all sides, were expelled from the Netherlands by the Protestant Synod of Dort (1618–19), which declared Remonstrant theology contrary to Scripture. Allowed back in the Netherlands by 1630, they were officially recognized in 1798. The movement is still strong, and its liberal school of theology has reacted powerfully on the Dutch state church and on other Christian denominations.

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