
/ree'keuhn struk"sheuh niz'euhm/, n.
a 20th-century movement among U.S. Jews, founded by Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan, advocating that Judaism, being a culture and way of life as well as a religion, is in sum a religious civilization requiring constant adaptation to contemporary conditions so that Jews can identify more readily and meaningfully with the Jewish community.

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Movement that originated in U.S. Judaism in the 1920s.

It regards Judaism only as a specific human culture, rejects the tradition of a transcendent deity who made a covenant with his chosen people, and does not accept the Bible as the inspired word of God. Its principles, as enunciated by Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, are based on the belief that Jews can live a distinctively Jewish cultural life without being religiously observant. Reconstructionists today number about 60,000.

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      in American Judaism, movement and ideology founded in 1922 that holds that Judaism is in essence a religious civilization the religious elements of which are purely human, naturalistic expressions of a specific culture. Because Reconstructionism rejects the notion of a transcendent God who made a covenant with his chosen people, it does not accept the Bible as the inspired word of God.

      The principles of Reconstructionism were first publicly enunciated by Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan (Kaplan, Mordecai Menahem) (18811983) in his book Judaism as a Civilization (1934). Kaplan felt that for Jews to survive in modern times, especially in the United States, it was necessary for them to reconstruct their lives on the cultural foundation of a historical peoplehood. This new covenant would serve to unite all Jews, regardless of individual religious beliefs and practices. Because cultural bonds are more fundamental to Judaism than are religious doctrines, all Jews can live a distinctive Jewish life without necessarily being religiously Judaic.

      To maintain and strengthen their identity Jews should, according to Kaplan, cherish all elements of their history (e.g., language, arts, ritual) that underscore their common heritage. Jews must, however, also learn to respect diversity as an enrichment of Jewish life. They must be willing to accept constant change and creativity as normal signs of vitality and growth. In such a context, all Jews can actively participate in Jewish life while freely mingling with other peoples. They can, moreover, inspire others with such traditional ideals as the unity of all mankind and thus promote the cause of universal freedom, justice, and peace. Reconstructionism strongly supports the State of Israel, not as an ideal home for all Jews, but as the cradle of Jewish civilization and as a focal point for Jews throughout the world.

      Though Kaplan's views were, in some respects, more extreme than those advocated by Reform Judaism, he was long associated with Conservative Judaism at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, in New York City, and was highly respected by his colleagues. Orthodox rabbis, however, could not abide his teachings, and the Union of Orthodox Rabbis declared Kaplan's views totally unacceptable.

      Reconstructionists, who numbered about 60,000 in the late 20th century, come mostly from the ranks of the Conservative and Reform movements. Their liturgy resembles that of the Conservatives except for the addition of certain supplementary medieval and modern elements. The biweekly Reconstructionist, published by the Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, has been the main voice of the movement since 1935.

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