Reconstruction Acts

Reconstruction Acts
U.S. Hist. the acts of Congress during the period from 1865 to 1877 providing for the reorganization of the former Confederate states and setting forth the process by which they were to be restored to representation in Congress, esp. the acts passed in 1867 and 1868.

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  • Reconstruction Acts — After the end of the Civil War, as part of the on going process of Reconstruction, the United States Congress passed four statutes known as Reconstruction Acts (March 2, 1867 (39 Cong. Ch. 153; 14 Stat. 428), March 23, 1867 (40 Cong. Ch …   Wikipedia

  • Reconstruction Acts — U.S. Hist. the acts of Congress during the period from 1865 to 1877 providing for the reorganization of the former Confederate states and setting forth the process by which they were to be restored to representation in Congress, esp. the acts… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Reconstruction Era of the United States — In the history of the United States, the term Reconstruction Era has two senses: the first covers the entire nation in the period 1865–1877 following the Civil War; the second one, used in this article, covers the transformation of the Southern… …   Wikipedia

  • Reconstruction era of the United States — In the history of the United States, Reconstruction refers to the time between 1863 and 1877 when the U.S. focused on abolishing slavery, destroying the Confederacy, and reconstructing the nation and the Constitution. Reconstruction is also the… …   Wikipedia

  • reconstruction — reconstructional, reconstructionary, adj. /ree keuhn struk sheuhn/, n. 1. an act of reconstructing. 2. (cap.) U.S. Hist. a. the process by which the states that had seceded were reorganized as part of the Union after the Civil War. b. the period… …   Universalium

  • reconstruction — The process by which The seceding southern states were reorganized after the War between the States, otherwise known as the Civil War. A rebuilding. A complete rebuilding. The act of constructing again. Goodyear Shoe Machinery Co. v Jackson (CA I …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Reconstruction Act — After the end of the Civil War, as part of the on going process of Reconstruction, the United States Congress passed four statutes known as Reconstruction Acts (March 2, 1867 (39 Cong. Ch. 153; 14 Stat. 428), March 23, 1867 (40 Cong. Ch. 6; 15… …   Wikipedia

  • Reconstruction (Jericho episode) — Infobox Jericho episode Title = Reconstruction Series = Jericho Season = 2 Episode = 1 Airdate = February 12, 2008 Production = 201 Writer = Carol Barbee and Jonathan E. Steinberg Director = Steve Boyum Prev = Why We Fight Next = Condor MorseCode …   Wikipedia

  • reconstruction — Act of constructing again. It presupposes the nonexistence of the thing to be reconstructed, as an entity; that the thing before existing has lost its entity. Miller Hatcheries v. Buckeye Incubator Co., C.C.A.MO., 41 F.2d 619. Also the name… …   Black's law dictionary

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