- pulvinate
—pulvinately, adv./pul"veuh nayt'/, adj.1. cushion-shaped.2. having a pulvinus.Also, pulvinated.[1815-25; < L pulvinatus cushioned, equiv. to pulvin(us) cushion + -atus -ATE1]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Pulvinate — Pul vi*nate, Pulvinated Pul vi*na ted, a. [L. pulvinatus, fr. pulvinus a cushion, an elevation.] 1. (Arch.) Curved convexly or swelled; as, a pulvinated frieze. Brande & C. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Having the form of a cushion. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pulvinate — [pul′və nāt΄, pul′vənit] adj. [L pulvinatus < pulvinus, cushion] 1. cushionlike 2. Bot. having a pulvinus pulvinately adv … English World dictionary
pulvinate — adj. [L. pulvinus, cushion] 1. Moderately convex or swelled. 2. Cushion like … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pulvinate — Raised or convex, denoting a form of surface elevation of a bacterial culture. [L. pulvinus, cushion] * * * pul·vi·nate (pulґvĭ nāt) [L. pulvinus cushion] shaped like a cushion … Medical dictionary
pulvinate — pÊŒlvɪneɪt adj. resembling a cushion … English contemporary dictionary
pulvinate — pul·vi·nate … English syllables
pulvinate — pul•vi•nate [[t]ˈpʌl vəˌneɪt[/t]] also pul′vi•nat ed adj. 1) archit. cushion shaped 2) having a pulvinus • Etymology: 1815–25; < L pulvīnātus cushioned =pulvīn(us) cushion + ātus ate I pul′vi•nate ly, adv … From formal English to slang
pulvinate — /ˈpʌlvəneɪt/ (say pulvuhnayt) adjective 1. cushion shaped. 2. having a pulvinus. Also, pulvinated. {Latin pulvīnātus made into or like a cushion} …
pulvinate — … Useful english dictionary
Pulvinated — Pulvinate Pul vi*nate, Pulvinated Pul vi*na ted, a. [L. pulvinatus, fr. pulvinus a cushion, an elevation.] 1. (Arch.) Curved convexly or swelled; as, a pulvinated frieze. Brande & C. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Having the form of a cushion.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English