- -pterous
[ < Gk -pteros, adj. deriv. of pterón wing; see -OUS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
-pterous — [tər əs] [see PTERO & OUS] combining form forming adjectives having (a specified number or kind of) wings [homopterous] … English World dictionary
-pterous — pt(ə)rəs adjective combining form Etymology: Greek pteros winged, from pteron wing, feather more at feather : having (so many or such) wings or winglike parts anisopterous hexapterous trichopterous … Useful english dictionary
-pterous — p·ter·ous … English syllables
-pterous — aff. a combining form meaning “having wings” of the kind or number specified: dipterous[/ex] • Etymology: < Gk pteros, adj. der. of pterón wing … From formal English to slang
-pterous — an adjectival word element meaning winged , as in dipterous. {Greek pteros, combining form from pteron feather, wing} …
macropterous — [ma kräp′tər əs] adj. 〚 MACRO + PTEROUS〛 having unusually large wings or fins * * * ma·crop·ter·ous (mə krŏpʹtər əs) adj. Having very large fins or wings. [From Greek makropteros: makro … Universalium
anisopteran — /an uy sop teuhr euhn/, adj. belonging or pertaining to the suborder Anisoptera, comprising the dragonflies. [ < NL Anisopter(a) (see ANISO , PTEROUS) + AN] * * * … Universalium
apteral — /ap teuhr euhl/, adj. Archit. 1. (of a classical temple) not having a surrounding colonnade; not peripteral. 2. (of a church) having no aisles. 3. (of a church façade) revealing no aisles. [1825 35; < Gk ápter(os) wingless (a A 6 + pteros… … Universalium
apterous — /ap teuhr euhs/, adj. 1. Zool. wingless, as some insects. 2. Bot. without membranous expansions, as a stem. [1765 75; < Gk ápteros wingless. See A 6, PTEROUS] * * * … Universalium
brachypterous — /breuh kip teuhr euhs/, adj. Zool., Ornith. having short wings. [1835 45; BRACHY + PTEROUS] * * * … Universalium