- psychogalvanic
pertaining to or involving electric changes in the body resulting from reactions to mental or emotional stimuli.[1905-10; PSYCHO- + GALVANIC]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
psychogalvanic — Relating to changes in electric properties of the skin; e.g., a change in skin resistance induced by psychologic stimulus. * * * psy·cho·gal·van·ic gal van ik adj of or relating to the psychogalvanic reflex <a psychogalvanic record> * * *… … Medical dictionary
psychogalvanic reflex — n a momentary decrease in the apparent electrical resistance of the skin resulting from activity of the sweat glands in response to mental or emotional stimulation called also psychogalvanic reaction, psychogalvanic response * * * galvanic skin… … Medical dictionary
psychogalvanic response — psychogalvanic skin response galvanic skin r … Medical dictionary
psychogalvanic response — noun a change in the electrical properties of the skin in response to stress or anxiety; can be measured either by recording the electrical resistance of the skin or by recording weak currents generated by the body • Syn: ↑galvanic skin response … Useful english dictionary
psychogalvanic reflex — noun or psychogalvanic response : a momentary decrease in the apparent electrical resistance of the skin resulting from activity of the sweat glands in response to exciting stimuli … Useful english dictionary
psychogalvanic — adj. pertaining to electrical activity in the body in response to emotional stimuli (Psychology) … English contemporary dictionary
psychogalvanic — psy·cho·galvanic … English syllables
psychogalvanic — a. pertaining to change in electrical resistance of skin resulting from mental processes which cause alterations in secretion of perspiration. ♦ psychogalvanometer, n. instrument measuring such electric change; lie detector … Dictionary of difficult words
psychogalvanic — “+ adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary psych + galvanic : relating to or involving electrical changes in the body as dependent on mental or emotional processes … Useful english dictionary
psychogalvanic reflex — ▪ neurophysiology also called galvanic skin response (GSR) a change in the electrical properties of the body (probably of the skin) following noxious stimulation, stimulation that produces emotional reaction, and, to some extent,… … Universalium