
/proh jes"tin/, n. Pharm.
any substance having progesteronelike activity. Also called progestogen.
[1925-30; PRO-1 + GEST(ATION) + -IN2]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • progestin — [prō jes′tin] n. any of various natural or synthetic steroid hormones, as progesterone, that cause progestational activity, used in birth control pills, in hormone therapy, etc.: often called progestogen [prō jes′tə jən] …   English World dictionary

  • Progestin — Co inventor Luis E. Miramontes s signed laboratory notebook. October 15, 1951 A progestin is a synthetic[1] progestogen that has progestinic effects similar to progesterone. [2] …   Wikipedia

  • Progestin-induced virilisation — Maternal use of androgens or high doses of certain weakly androgenic synthetic progestogens (progestins) structurally related to testosterone can masculinize (virilize) the external genitalia of a female fetus during susceptible times in… …   Wikipedia

  • progestin — noun Etymology: pro + gestation + 1 in Date: 1930 progestogen; especially a synthetic progesterone (as levonorgestrel) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Progestin — Gestagene, auch Gelbkörperhormone, sind neben den Estrogenen die zweite wichtige Klasse der weiblichen Geschlechtshormone. Wie bei diesen handelt es sich um Steroidhormone. Strukturformel von Pregnan (10β,13β Dimethyl 17β ethyl gonan) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • progestin — noun A synthetic progestagen intended to mimic the effects of progesterone, often for contraceptive purposes …   Wiktionary

  • progestin — 1. A hormone of the corpus luteum. 2. Generic term for any substance, natural or synthetic, that effects some or all of the biologic changes produced by progesterone. 3. SYN: gestagen. [pro + gestation + in] * * * pro·ges·tin …   Medical dictionary

  • Progestin — Pro|ges|tin [↑ pro lat. gestatio = Schwangerschaft; ↑ in (3)], das; s, e: svw. ↑ Gestagen …   Universal-Lexikon

  • progestin — [prə(ʊ) dʒɛstɪn] noun Biochemistry another term for progestogen. Origin 1930s: from pro 1 + gestation + in1 …   English new terms dictionary

  • progestin — pro·ges·tin …   English syllables

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