- produce
—producible, produceable, productible, adj. —producibility, productibility /preuh duk'teuh bil"i tee/, producibleness, produceableness, n.v. /preuh doohs", -dyoohs"/; n. /prod"oohs, -yoohs, proh"doohs, -dyoohs/, v., produced, producing, n.v.t.1. to bring into existence; give rise to; cause: to produce steam.2. to bring into existence by intellectual or creative ability: to produce a great painting.3. to make or manufacture: to produce automobiles for export.4. to bring forth; give birth to; bear: to produce a litter of puppies.5. to provide, furnish, or supply; yield: a mine producing silver.6. Finance. to cause to accrue: stocks producing unexpected dividends.7. to bring forward; present to view or notice; exhibit: to produce one's credentials.9. to extend or prolong, as a line.v.i.10. to create, bring forth, or yield offspring, products, etc.: Their mines are closed because they no longer produce.11. Econ. to create economic value; bring crops, goods, etc., to a point at which they will command a price.n. produce12. something that is produced; yield; product.13. agricultural products collectively, esp. vegetables and fruits.14. offspring, esp. of a female animal: the produce of a mare.[1375-1425; late ME producen < L producere to lead or bring forward, extend, prolong, produce, equiv. to pro- PRO-1 + ducere to lead]
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Universalium. 2010.