
/prez"euhnt/, adj.
1. being, existing, or occurring at this time or now; current: the present ruler.
2. at this time; at hand; immediate: articles for present use.
3. Gram.
a. noting an action or state occurring at the moment of speaking. Knows is a present form in He knows that.
b. noting or pertaining to a tense or other verb formation with such meaning.
4. being with one or others or in the specified or understood place: to be present at the wedding.
5. being here: Is everyone present?
6. existing or occurring in a place, thing, combination, or the like: Carbon is present in many minerals.
7. being actually here or under consideration: the present document; the present topic.
8. being before the mind.
9. Obs. mentally alert and calm, esp. in emergencies.
10. Obs. immediate or instant.
11. the present time.
12. Gram.
a. the present tense.
b. a verb formation or construction with present meaning.
c. a form in the present.
13. presents, Law. the present writings, or this document, used in a deed of conveyance, a lease, etc., to denote the document itself: Know all men by these presents.
14. Obs. the matter in hand.
15. at present, at the present time or moment; now: There are no job openings here at present.
16. for the present, for now; temporarily: For the present, we must be content with matters as they stand.
[1250-1300; (adj.) ME < OF < L praesent- (s. of praesens) prp. of praeësse to be present, before others, i.e., to preside, be in charge; (n.) ME: presence, spatial or temporal present; partly deriv. of the adj., partly < OF. See PRE-, IS, -ENT]
Syn. 1. extant. See current.
Ant. 1. absent.
v. /pri zent"/; n. /prez"euhnt/, v.t.
1. to furnish or endow with a gift or the like, esp. by formal act: to present someone with a gold watch.
2. to bring, offer, or give, often in a formal or ceremonious way: to present one's card.
3. afford or furnish (an opportunity, possibility, etc.).
4. to hand over or submit, as a bill or a check, for payment: The waiter presented our bill for lunch.
5. to introduce (a person) to another, esp. in a formal manner: Mrs. Smith, may I present Mr. Jones?
6. to bring before or introduce to the public: to present a new play.
7. to come to show (oneself) before a person, in or at a place, etc.
8. to show or exhibit: This theater will present films on a larger screen.
9. to bring forth or render for or before another or others; offer for consideration: to present an alternative plan.
10. to set forth in words; frame or articulate: to present arguments.
11. to represent, impersonate, or act, as on the stage.
12. to direct, point, or turn (something) to something or someone: He presented his back to the audience.
13. to level or aim (a weapon, esp. a firearm).
14. Law.
a. to bring against, as a formal charge against a person.
b. to bring formally to the notice of the proper authority, as an offense.
15. Eccles. Brit. to offer or recommend (a member of the clergy) to the bishop for institution to a benefice.
16. a thing presented as a gift; gift: Christmas presents.
[1175-1225; (n.) ME < OF, orig. in phrase en present in presence (see PRESENT1); (v.) ME presenten < OF presenter < ML praesentare to give, show, present for approval, L: to exhibit (to the mind or senses), deriv. of praesens PRESENT1]
Syn. 1. bestow, donate. See give. 2. proffer. 3. yield. 5. See introduce. 9. introduce. 11. enact. 16. benefaction, grant, tip, gratuity. PRESENT, GIFT, DONATION, BONUS refer to something freely given. PRESENT and GIFT are both used of something given as an expression of affection, friendship, interest, or respect. PRESENT is the less formal; GIFT is generally used of something conferred (esp. with ceremony) on an individual, a group, or an institution: a birthday present; a gift to a bride.
DONATION applies to an important gift, most often of money and usually of considerable size, though the term is often used to avoid the suggestion of charity in speaking of small gifts to or for the needy: a donation to an endowment fund, to the Red Cross. BONUS applies to something, again usually money, given in addition to what is due, esp. to employees who have worked for a long time or particularly well: a bonus at the end of the year.

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