prepared piano

prepared piano
a grand piano that has been altered for some modern compositions by having various objects attached to its strings to change the sound and pitch, and performance on which typically involves playing the keys, plucking the strings, slapping the body of the instrument, and slamming the keyboard lid.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Prepared piano — A prepared piano is a piano which has had its sound altered by placing objects (preparations) between or on the strings or on the hammers or dampers.The idea of altering an instrument s timbre through the use of external objects has been applied… …   Wikipedia

  • Prepared piano — Christian Wolff mit präpariertem Flügel, 2007 Das Präparierte Klavier ist eine von John Cage um 1940 eingeführte Technik, an bestimmten Stellen der Saitenchöre eines Klaviers Gegenstände wie Radiergummis, Nägel, Papier usw. einzusetzen, die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Prepared Piano — Pre|pared Pi|a|no [pri pɛəd pai ænou] das; s, s <aus engl. prepared piano »präpariertes Klavier« zu to prepare »vorbereiten, präparieren« u. ↑Piano> Klavier, bei dem verschiedene Gegenstände (z. B. Ketten) auf od. zwischen den Saiten… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • prepared piano — /prəˌpɛəd piˈænoʊ/ (say pruh.paird pee anoh) noun a piano whose natural sound is altered by the application of objects such as screws, glass and rubber bands to the strings …  

  • prepared piano — a grand piano that has been altered for some modern compositions by having various objects attached to its strings to change the sound and pitch, and performance on which typically involves playing the keys, plucking the strings, slapping the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • prepared piano — англ. [припэ/эд пьа/ноу] «подготовленное» ф п (с навешан. на струнах металлич. и дерев. предметами); введено композитором Дж. Кэйджем (США, 30 е гг.) …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • Works for prepared piano by John Cage — American avant garde composer John Cage (1912–1992) started composing for prepared piano in 1940.[1] The majority of early works for this instrument were created to accompany dances by Cage s various collaborators, most frequently Merce… …   Wikipedia

  • Piano prepare — Piano préparé Christian Wolff avec un piano préparé, 2007. Un piano préparé est un piano dont le son a été altéré en plaçant divers objets la préparation dans ses cordes. Cette technique est considérée comme une technique de jeu …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Prepared music — refers to experimental music played with a prepared instrument, such as:*Prepared piano *Prepared guitar …   Wikipedia

  • Piano — Pianoforte redirects here. For earlier versions of the instrument, see Fortepiano. For other uses of Piano, see Piano (disambiguation). Piano Bösendorfer grand piano Keyboard instrument …   Wikipedia

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