
predatorily, adv.predatoriness, n.
/pred"euh tawr'ee, -tohr'ee/, adj.
1. Zool. preying upon other organisms for food.
2. of, pertaining to, or characterized by plunder, pillage, robbery, or exploitation: predatory tactics.
3. engaging in or living by these activities: predatory bands of brigands.
4. excessive or exploitive in amount or cost, as out of greed or to take advantage of consumers or patrons: predatory pricing.
5. acting with or possessed by overbearing, rapacious, or selfish motives: He was cornered at the party by a predatory reporter.
[1580-90; < L praedatorius. See PREDATOR, -TORY1]
Syn. 2, 3. rapacious.

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