
/pray'zee oh dim"ee euhm, pray'see-/, n. Chem.
a rare-earth, metallic, trivalent element, named from its green salts. Symbol: Pr; at. wt.: 140.91; at. no.: 59; sp. gr.: 6.77 at 20°C.
[1880-85; < NL, equiv. to praseo- (comb. form repr. Gk prásios leek-green; see PRASE) + (DI)DYMIUM]

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 (Pr), chemical element, rare-earth metal of transition Group IIIb of the periodic table, used as the element in special alloys and, as its oxide, in glasses (glass). Moderately soft, ductile, and malleable, this silvery metal rapidly displaces hydrogen from water and slowly reacts in air, developing a green oxide coating, which chips. For preservation, the metal must be sealed in a plastic covering or kept in mineral oil. Praseodymium was discovered in didymia, a mixture of several rare-earth oxides. From it, by repeated fractional crystallization of ammonium didymium nitrate, Carl Auer von Welsbach (Welsbach, Carl Auer, Freiherr von) separated (1885) salts of the elements praseodymium (the green fraction) and neodymium. Praseodymium occurs in minerals such as monazite and bastnaesite and as one of the products of nuclear fission. Natural praseodymium is all stable isotope praseodymium-141. This element is commercially separated and purified by ion-exchange techniques; the reduction of the fluoride or chloride with calcium is one way in which the metal itself is prepared.

      Praseodymium is a minor constituent of the alloy misch metal, used to make flints for cigarette lighters, and of high-strength, low-creep magnesium alloys for jet-engine parts. An alloying agent consisting primarily of praseodymium and neodymium gives magnesium alloys still higher strengths at all temperatures. A mixture of praseodymium and neodymium is the active component in didymium glass, used for goggles to protect the eyes of glassblowers and welders. Praseodymium compounds are used also to produce the yellow colour of some ceramics and other glasses.

      This element forms trivalent compounds such as the olive-green oxide Pr2O3, which dissolves readily in acids to yield green trivalent praseodymium salts. The tetravalent blackish purple dioxide PrO2 is known, but the Pr4+ ion is unknown in aqueous solution.

atomic number
atomic weight
melting point
931° C
boiling point
3,212° C
specific gravity
6.772 (25° C)
electronic config.
2-8-18-21-8-2 or (Xe)4f35d06s2

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Universalium. 2010.

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