
/pow"euhr/, n.
1. ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.
2. political or national strength: the balance of power in Europe.
3. great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force.
4. the possession of control or command over others; authority; ascendancy: power over men's minds.
5. political ascendancy or control in the government of a country, state, etc.: They attained power by overthrowing the legal government.
6. legal ability, capacity, or authority: the power of attorney.
7. delegated authority; authority granted to a person or persons in a particular office or capacity: the powers of the president.
8. a document or written statement conferring legal authority.
9. a person or thing that possesses or exercises authority or influence.
10. a state or nation having international authority or influence: The great powers held an international conference.
11. a military or naval force: The Spanish Armada was a mighty power.
12. Often, powers. a deity; divinity: the heavenly powers.
13. powers, Theol. an order of angels. Cf. angel (def. 1).
14. Dial. a large number or amount: There's a power of good eatin' at the church social.
15. Physics.
a. work done or energy transferred per unit of time. Symbol: P
b. the time rate of doing work.
16. mechanical energy as distinguished from hand labor: a loom driven by power.
17. a particular form of mechanical or physical energy: hydroelectric power.
18. energy, force, or momentum: The door slammed shut, seemingly under its own power.
19. Math.
a. the product obtained by multiplying a quantity by itself one or more times: The third power of 2 is 8.
b. (of a number x) a number whose logarithm is a times the logarithm of x (and is called the ath power of x). Symbolically, y =xa is a number that satisfies the equation log y = a log x.
c. the exponent of an expression, as a in xa.
d. See cardinal number (def. 2).
20. Optics.
a. the magnifying capacity of a microscope, telescope, etc., expressed as the ratio of the diameter of the image to the diameter of the object. Cf. magnification (def. 2).
b. the reciprocal of the focal length of a lens.
21. the powers that be, those in supreme command; the authorities: The decision is in the hands of the powers that be.
22. to supply with electricity or other means of power: Atomic energy powers the new submarines.
23. to give power to; make powerful: An outstanding quarterback powered the team in its upset victory.
24. to inspire; spur; sustain: A strong faith in divine goodness powers his life.
25. (of a fuel, engine, or any source able to do work) to supply force to operate (a machine): An electric motor powers this drill.
26. to drive or push by applying power: She powered the car expertly up the winding mountain road.
27. power down, Computers. to shut off.
28. power up, Computers. to turn on.
29. operated or driven by a motor or electricity: a power mower; power tools.
30. power-assisted: His new car has power brakes and power windows.
31. conducting electricity: a power cable.
32. Informal. expressing or exerting power; characteristic of those having authority or influence: to host a power lunch.
[1250-1300; ME pouer(e), poer(e) < AF poueir, poer, n. use of inf.: to be able < VL *potere (r. L posse to be able, have power). See POTENT1]
Syn. 1. capacity. 3. energy. See strength. 4, 5. sway, rule, sovereignty.
Ant. 1. incapacity. 3. weakness.

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In science and engineering, the time rate of doing work or delivering energy.

Power (P) can be expressed as the amount of work done (W), or energy transferred, divided by the time interval (t): P = W/t. A given amount of work can be done by a low-powered motor in a long time or by a high-powered motor in a short time. Units of power are those of work (or energy) per unit time, such as foot-pounds per minute, joules per second (called watts), or ergs per second. Power can also be expressed as the product of the force (F) applied to move an object and the speed (v) of the object in the direction of the force: P = Fv. See also horsepower.
(as used in expressions)
attorney power of
power of the father
Power Charles Gavan
Power Tyrone Edmund
Powers Hiram

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      in science and engineering, time rate of doing work or delivering energy, expressible as the amount of work done W, or energy transferred, divided by the time interval tor W/t. A given amount of work can be done by a low-powered motor in a long time or by a high-powered motor in a short time. Units of power are those of work (or energy) per unit time, such as foot-pounds per minute, joules per second (or watts), and ergs per second. Power is expressible also as the product of the force applied to move an object and the speed of the object in the direction of the force. If the magnitude of the force F is measured in pounds and the speed ν in feet per minute, the power equals foot-pounds per minute. In the International System of Units, power is measured in newton metres per second.

      Most machines have rotating shafts, and, in terms of the twisting moment, or magnitude of torque (τ), on a shaft and the angular speed ω of the shaft, the power is given by τω. τ is usually expressed in inch-pounds, ω in radians per second, and power in inch-pounds per second. Another unit of mechanical power is the horsepower (hp), which is equal to 33,000 foot-pounds per minute, or 6,600 inch-pounds per second.

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