
/poh'poo ree", poh"poo ree'/, n.
1. a mixture of dried petals of roses or other flowers with spices, kept in a jar for their fragrance.
2. a musical medley.
3. a collection of miscellaneous literary extracts.
4. any mixture, esp. of unrelated objects, subjects, etc.
[1605-15; < F: lit., rotten pot, trans. of Sp olla podrida OLLA PODRIDA; see POT1, PUTRID]
Syn. 4. melange, pastiche, hodgepodge, mishmash, patchwork.

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French“miscellaneous mixture” also called  cassolette  
 in pottery, a decorative ceramic vessel with a perforated cover originally made to hold a moist mixture of aromatic spices, fruits, and the petals of flowers that was intended to produce a pleasant scent as the mixture mouldered. The vessel was later used for dried spices and petals. Ball-shaped ones, frequently made of metal, are known as pomanders (pomander). See also pouncet-box; vinaigrette.

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Universalium. 2010.

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