- pipit
/pip"it/, n.any of several small songbirds of the genus Anthus, of the family Motacillidae, resembling the larks in coloration, structure, and habits.[1760-70; imit.]
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or fieldlarkAny of about 50 species (especially in the genus Anthus) of small, slender-bodied, ground-dwelling songbirds belonging to the family Motacillidae.Found worldwide except in polar regions and on some islands, they are brownish-streaked and 5–9 in. (12–23 cm) long. They have a thin, pointed bill, pointed wings, and elongated hind toes and claws. Named for their twittering sounds, they walk and run rapidly (but never hop), searching the ground for insects. Their flight is strongly undulating. Their white outer tail feathers show best in flight. See also wagtail.* * *
▪ birdany of about 50 species of small slender-bodied ground birds of the family Motacillidae (order Passeriformes (passeriform), suborder Passeres [songbirds (songbird)]), especially of the genus Anthus. They are found worldwide except in polar regions.Members range in size from 12.5 to 23 cm (5 to 9 inches) long. They have thin, pointed bills, pointed wings, and elongated hind toes and claws. These trim birds walk and run rapidly (but never hop). They seek out insects along the ground. Their flight is strongly undulating, like that of many finches (finch). The pipits proper (Anthus), so called because of their twittering sounds, are brownish streaked. Wagtails (wagtail) (Motacilla), which continually pump their long tails up and down, are more boldly marked. Both groups have white outer tail feathers, which show best in flight.Sy Montgomery* * *
Universalium. 2010.