- Pentelicus
—Pentelic, Pentelican, adj./pen tel"i keuhs/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Pentelicus — [pen tel′i kəs] Latin name for PENDELIKÓN … English World dictionary
PENTELICUS — a range of mountains in Attica between Athens and Marathon, famous for its quarries of fine white marble … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Pentelicus — /pɛnˈtɛləkəs/ (say pen teluhkuhs) noun a mountain in south eastern Greece, near Athens; noted for its fine marble. 1109 m. Also, Pentelikon /pɛnˈtɛləkən/ (say pen teluhkuhn) …
Pentelicus — Pentelic, Pentelican, adj. /pen tel i keuhs/, n. Latin name of Pendelikon … Useful english dictionary
Pentelicus, Mount — ▪ mountains, Greece also called Pentelikon , Modern Greek Pendéli Óros , historically Brilessos , or Brilettos mountain range enclosing the Attic plain on its northeast but within the nomós (department) of Attikí, in Greece. The chief… … Universalium
ПЕНТЕЛИКОН — • Pentelicus mons, Πεντελικòν όρoς, см. Attica, Аттика, 2 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Athens — /ath inz/, n. 1. Greek, Athenai. a city in and the capital of Greece, in the SE part. 885,136. 2. Greater, a metropolitan area comprising the city of Athens, Piraeus, and several residential suburbs. 2,530,000. 3. a city in N Georgia. 42,549. 4.… … Universalium
Pentelic — Pen*tel ic, Pentelican Pen*tel i*can, a. Of or pertaining to Mount Pentelicus, near Athens, famous for its fine white marble quarries; obtained from Mount Pentelicus; as, the Pentelic marble of which the Parthenon is built. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pentelican — Pentelic Pen*tel ic, Pentelican Pen*tel i*can, a. Of or pertaining to Mount Pentelicus, near Athens, famous for its fine white marble quarries; obtained from Mount Pentelicus; as, the Pentelic marble of which the Parthenon is built. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Penteliko Mountain — Mount Pentelikon redirects here. For the steamship, see SS Mount Pentelikon. Penteliko or Penteli (Πεντελικό Όρος, Πεντέλη) Pentelicus or Pentelikos, Vrilissos or Vrilittos and Mendeli … Wikipedia