- peg
—pegless, adj. —peglike, adj./peg/, n., v., pegged, pegging, adj.n.1. a pin of wood or other material driven or fitted into something, as to fasten parts together, to hang things on, to make fast a rope or string on, to stop a hole, or to mark some point.2. Informal. a leg, either real or wooden: still on his pegs at 99.3. a notch or degree: to come down a peg.4. an occasion, basis, or reason: a peg to hang a grievance on.5. Also called pin. Music. a pin of wood or metal in the neck of a stringed instrument that may be turned in its socket to adjust a string's tension.6. Informal. a throw, esp. in baseball: The peg to the plate was late.8. Econ. the level at which some price, exchange rate, etc., is set.9. Brit., Anglo-Indian. an alcoholic drink, esp. a whiskey or brandy and soda.10. Brit. clothespin.11. take down a peg, to reduce the pride or arrogance of; humble: I guess that'll take him down a peg!v.t.12. to drive or insert a peg into.13. to fasten with or as with pegs.14. to mark with pegs.15. to strike or pierce with or as with a peg.17. Informal. to throw (a ball).18. Journalism. to base (an article, feature story, etc.) upon; justify by (usually fol. by on): The feature on the chief of police was pegged on the riots.19. Informal. to identify: to peg someone as a good prospect.v.i.20. to work or continue persistently or energetically: to peg away at a homework assignment.21. Informal. to throw a ball.22. Croquet. to strike a peg, as in completing a game.adj.23. Also, pegged. tapered toward the bottom of the leg: peg trousers.[1400-50; late ME pegge (n.), peggen (v.) < MD]
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Universalium. 2010.