
/awr'euh pen"dl euh, ohr'euh-/, n.
any of several birds of the genus Gymnostinops, related to crows and feeding primarily on fruit and nectar, noted esp. for their hanging nests.
[1895-1900; < Sp oropéndola the golden oriole, equiv. to oro gold ( < L aurum) + péndola, by-form of péñola feather, quill < L pinnula, dim. of pinna feather, wing; see PINNA, -ULE]

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bird genus
      any of several bird species of the blackbird family ( Icteridae) that are common to the canopy of New World tropical forests and known (along with the caciques (cacique)) for their hanging nests, which may measure up to 2 metres (6.6 feet) long.

      Both sexes are largely black or greenish, sometimes with touches of red or brown. Oropendolas have rounded yellow tails and heavy bills swollen at the base, to form frontal shields. Males are about 3050 cm (1220 inches) long and are more than 50 percent larger than females.

      Most species of oropendola breed in colonies, some of which can contain 100 nests hanging from the branches or fronds of a single tree. The colony members select a large tree that is isolated, presumably to reduce the chance that a monkey or other arboreal predator can climb into the colony and raid the nests for eggs and young. Only the female builds the long, windsocklike nest. Inside this woven structure she incubates two white eggs and then feeds the hatchlings.

      Males guard the colonies by day but roost separately at night. During courtship, males perform elaborate songs, some of which sound like slashing whips and gurgling chortles. In each colony there is one dominant bird, the alpha male, who acquires the large majority of matings with females. The second-ranked bird, or beta male, acquires only a few matings, whereas lower-ranked males may not mate at all. Males court females in the nest tree and monitor the progression of nest building, so that they can anticipate when each female will be receptive for mating. Subordinate males must harass and pursue females away from the nest tree because the alpha male rules the nest tree where most matings occur.

      Oropendolas roam the forest in groups of 2 to 20, searching for fruit and insects. They frequently search for clusters of dead leaves snagged in the canopy and tear the clusters open to feed on hiding spiders and insects. In this process, oropendolas use a search method unique to blackbirds. Unlike most birds, blackbirds have muscles that allow them to open their bill with power, rather than only close it with power. Thus, a foraging technique commonly used by oropendolas is to insert the tip of the bill into a dead leaf cluster and pry it open with the bill so they can peer inside and look for prey.

      The most widely distributed species is the crested oropendola (Psarocolius decumanus), found from Panama to Argentina.

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