- old boy
/ohld" boy"/ for 1, 2; /ohld" boy'/ for 3; /ohld' boy"/ for 42. a lively elderly man.3. Chiefly Brit. an alumnus, esp. of a boys' preparatory or public school.[1595-1605]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Old Boy — Обложка первого тома в издании Dark Horse Comics … Википедия
Old Boy — Données clés Titre original Oldboy (올드보이) Réalisation Park Chan wook Scénario Hwang Jo yun Park Chan wook Lim Chun hyeong Lim Joon hyung Garon Tsuchiya Acteurs principaux Choi Min sik Yu Ji tae … Wikipédia en Français
Old boy — Titre original Oldboy (올드보이) Réalisation Park Chan wook Acteurs principaux Choi Min sik Yu Ji tae Kang Hye jeong Ji Dae han Scénario Hwang Jo yun Park Chan wook Lim Chun hyeong Lim Joon hyung Garon Tsuchiya Musique … Wikipédia en Français
Old boy — may refer to: Any male former pupil of schools in Britain, some schools in Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago). A cadet who has attended St. John s Military School Old Boy (manga), a manga series Oldboy a 2003 South… … Wikipedia
old boy — n 1.) BrE a man who used to be a student at a school ▪ an old boys reunion 2.) the old boy network the system by which men who went to the same school, belong to the same club etc use their influence to help each other 3.) BrE spoken an old man ▪ … Dictionary of contemporary English
Old Boy — ist ein preisgekrönter japanischer Manga von Garon Tsuchiya (Autor) und Nobuaki Minegishi (Zeichner). Er wurde zwischen 1996 und 1998 veröffentlicht und 2003 gleichnamig verfilmt. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Handlung 2 Verfilmung 3 Veröffentlichungen … Deutsch Wikipedia
old boy — old boys 1) N COUNT You can refer to a man who used to be a pupil at a particular school or university as an old boy. [BRIT] ...Eton College, with all its traditions and long list of famous old boys. ...Cardiff High School Old Boys rugby team. 2) … English dictionary
old\ boy — • old boy • old chap noun Сhiefly British One of the men educated at the same institution and bound by strong ties of loyalty to each other. He got the job because the boss was another old boy … Словарь американских идиом
old boy — ► NOUN 1) a former male pupil of a school. 2) informal an elderly man. 3) an affectionate form of address to a man or boy … English terms dictionary
old boy — old ,boy noun count BRITISH a man who was a student at a particular school or university … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
old boy — n. 1. [sometimes O B ] [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] Chiefly Brit. Informal an alumnus, esp. of a boys preparatory school 2. a man belonging to a social, professional, etc. group regarded as prestigious or influential, whose members provide one… … English World dictionary