- old-boyism
/ohld"boy"iz euhm/, n.support of or participation in an old-boy network.[OLD BOY + -ISM]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
old-boyism — /ohld boy iz euhm/, n. support of or participation in an old boy network. [OLD BOY + ISM] … Useful english dictionary
good old boy — noun a white male Southerner with an unpretentious convivial manner and conservative or intolerant attitudes and a strong sense of fellowship with and loyalty to other members of his peer group • Syn: ↑good ole boy, ↑good ol boy • Hypernyms:… … Useful english dictionary
good old boy — good old boyism. Informal. 1. a male who embodies the unsophisticated good fellowship and sometimes boisterous sociability regarded as typical of white males of small towns and rural areas of the South. 2. a person who belongs to a network of… … Universalium
Japanese hip hop — Stylistic origins Old school hip hop J pop Cultural origins Late 1980s in Japan Typical instruments … Wikipedia