
/noh vahr"euh/; It. /naw vah"rddah/, n.
a city in NE Piedmont, in NW Italy. 102,135.

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Latin  Novaria 

      city, Piemonte ( Piedmont) regione, northwestern Italy. It lies along the Agogna River, west of Milan. It originated as the Roman colony of Novaria, which was founded by Julius Caesar and destroyed in the 5th century; a new commune, established in the 6th century, was burned by the Holy Roman emperor Henry V in 1110. It recovered to become a member of the Lombard League (an alliance of northern Italian towns) in 1167. Novara (Novara, Battle of) was dominated by Milan until it passed to Austria in 1714 and to Savoy in 1738. It was the scene of Austrian victories in 1821 and 1849; in the last battle, the Austrians, under Joseph Radetzky, defeated Piedmontese forces led by Charles Albert, king of Sardinia, leading to the latter's abdication.

      The city's notable buildings include the cathedral (rebuilt 186369) with an ancient baptistery, the Church of San Gaudenzio (rebuilt 15771659), the ruins of a castle of the medieval Sforza family, a civic museum, and a picture gallery.

      An important agricultural market, particularly for rice, Novara also has growing industries that include cotton and silk mills, chemical and printing plants, cheese and biscuit (cookie) factories, and the Agostini cartographic and geographic institute. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 102,817.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Novara — • Diocese and city in Piedmont, Italy Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Novara     Novara     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Novara — [nō̂ vä′rä] commune in Piedmont, NW Italy: pop. 102,000 …   English World dictionary

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