
/nawr"i keuhm, nor"-/, n.
an ancient Roman province in central Europe, roughly corresponding to the part of Austria south of the Danube.

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Ancient kingdom and Roman province, west-central Europe.

It was located roughly south of the Danube River and north of modern Italy. Originally controlled by a Celtic confederacy, it was annexed by Augustus с 15 BC. Its rich iron and gold mines were worked by the Romans. Latin inscriptions on coins indicate a Romanized culture. Emperor Claudius enhanced the significance of several of Noricum's towns and recruited soldiers from the area for the Praetorian Guard с AD 50. The Franks settled there by the end of the 5th century AD.

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▪ ancient kingdom, Europe
      region of Europe north of what is now Italy, roughly comprising modern central Austria and parts of Bavaria, Ger. Noricum was originally a kingdom controlled by a Celtic confederacy that dominated an earlier Illyrian population. It reached its greatest extent during the early period: on the east it included Carnuntum (about 20 miles [32 km] east of Vindobona [now Vienna]), Savaria (Szombathely, Hung.), Poetovio (Ptuj, Slovenia), and Emona (Ljubljana, Slovenia), together with the portion of the tribe of the Taurisci that lived near the source of the Sava River. Noricum was annexed by Rome, apparently as a bloodless conquest, about 15 BC, and the new province was placed under an equestrian governor, first called a praefectus but from Claudius' time a procurator. As a Roman province its western boundary, against Raetia, was approximately the Inn River; in the south it met Italy at the summit of the Carnic Alps; and in the east, at least by Tiberius' time, the frontier with Pannonia was a line running south from a point west of Vindobona. Noricum received Roman protection in the late 2nd century BC and, with wealth derived from its mineral resources (iron and gold), was able to develop a markedly Romanized culture (evident from Latin legends on coins and other Latin inscriptions. Five of its communities were made into Roman municipia by the emperor Claudius (reigned AD 41–54), and the province supplied many soldiers for legions and the Praetorian Guard. Crude iron was exported to Italy, especially to Aquileia, and there were also steel manufactures in the province.

      After the barbarian invasion of 167, the frontier was reorganized. Under the later empire Noricum suffered severely from raids by Alamanni and other tribes. Franks and Rugi settled Noricum before the end of the 5th century AD.

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