
/neesh/, n.
a city in SE Serbia, in SE Yugoslavia: a former capital of Serbia. 230,711.
Also, Nish.

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or Nish

City (pop., 2000 est.: 182,583), southeast of Belgrade, Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro.

The ancient Roman city was mentioned by Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD. It was the birthplace of Constantine I (с 280), who adorned it with many buildings. Bomb damage in World War II and postwar construction erased much of its Turko-Byzantine style. It was held at various periods by Bulgarians, Hungarians, and Turks. During the Turkish period it became an important station on the route from Istanbul to Hungary. It was ceded to Serbia by the Treaty of Berlin in 1878 and was its capital until 1901. It is a railroad junction and commercial centre.

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      town in Serbia, on the Nišava River. The town is important for its command of the MoravaVardar and the Nišava River corridors, the two principal routes from central Europe to the Aegean. The main rail line from Belgrade and the north divides at Niš for Thessaloníki, in Greece, and Sofia. Niš is also the meeting point for several roads.

      The ancient Roman city, Naissus, which probably succeeded a Celtic settlement, was mentioned as an important place in the 2nd century by Ptolemy, in his Guide to Geography. The old fortress on the right bank of the river is believed to have been built on this site. Under its walls, in AD 269, the emperor Claudius II defeated an army of the Goths. Niš is the birthplace of Constantine the Great (c. 280). During migrations of the Huns in the 5th century, the town was destroyed, and the Bulgarians conquered it in the 9th century but ceded it in the 11th century to the Hungarians, from whom the Byzantine emperor took it in 1173. Toward the end of the 12th century, the town came under the Serbian Nemanja dynasty, but in 1375 the Turks captured it from the Serbs.

      Niš was recovered briefly several times, but Turkish domination lasted for 500 years, and the town became an important station on the route from Istanbul to Hungary. In the first Serbian uprising (1809), the Serbs fired their powder magazine and destroyed themselves and a large number of the enemy; in the ruins of the Turkish-built Ćele Kula (Tower of Skulls) are embedded the skulls of more than 900 of the Serbs who fell at the Battle of Čegar. The Serbian army liberated Niš in 1877, and the town was ceded to them by the Treaty of Berlin (1878). In World War I, Niš was for a period the capital of Serbia.

      Heavy bomb damage from World War II and consequent postwar construction erased much of the town's Turko-Byzantine style. Historical buildings include a 5th-century Byzantine crypt.

      Industries include mechanical engineering, tobacco products, and electronics. The city is the seat of the University of Niš, incorporated in 1965. Niš features a national museum, a museum of public health, and the Mediana Museum, which displays and preserves archaeological finds from the area. The city's National Theatre was established in 1887. The Niska Banje spa, just east of the city, treats patients with cardiovascular diseases. Pop. (2002) 173,724.

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Universalium. 2010.

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