Evans,Herbert McLean

Evans,Herbert McLean
Evans, Herbert McLean. 1882-1971.
American anatomist who isolated four pituitary hormones and discovered vitamin E (1922).

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  • Herbert McLean Evans — (September 23, 1882–March 6, 1971) was a U.S. anatomist and embryologist.He was born in Modesto, California. In 1908, he obtained his medical degree from Johns Hopkins University, eventually becoming its associate professor of anatomy. Evans… …   Wikipedia

  • Herbert McLean Evans — noun United States anatomist who identified four pituitary hormones and discovered vitamin E (1882 1971) • Syn: ↑Evans • Instance Hypernyms: ↑anatomist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Evans blue — A diazo dye used for the determination of the blood volume on the basis of the dilution of a standard solution of the dye in the plasma after its intravenous injection; it binds to proteins and is also used as a vital …   Medical dictionary

  • Herbert Evans — may refer to:* Herbert McLean Evans (1882 ndash;1971), American anatomist and embryologist * Herbert Evans (politician) (1868 ndash;1931), British Labour Party Member of Parliament for Gateshead 1931 …   Wikipedia

  • Evans —   [ evənz],    1) Sir (seit 1911) Arthur John, britischer Archäologe, * Nash Mills (bei London) 8. 7. 1851, ✝ Oxford 11. 7. 1941; Professor in Oxford. Er begann seine Forschungen 1893 auf Kreta. Seine auf eigene Kosten seit 1900 unternommenen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Evans — [ev′ənz] 1. Sir Arthur John 1851 1941; Eng. archaeologist 2. Herbert McLean [mə klān′] 1882 1971; U.S. anatomist & biologist 3. Mary Ann see ELIOT2 George 4. Maurice 1901 89; U.S. actor, born in England 5. Walker 1903 75; U.S. photographer …   English World dictionary

  • Evans — /ev euhnz/, n. 1. Sir Arthur John, 1851 1941, English archaeologist. 2. Dame Edith, 1888 1976, English actress. 3. Herbert McLean /meuh klayn /, 1882 1971, U.S. embryologist and anatomist. 4. Mary Ann. See Eliot, George. 5. Maurice, born 1901,… …   Universalium

  • Evans blue — Chembox new ImageFile = Evans blue.png ImageSize = IUPACName = OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 314 13 6 PubChem = 6321418 SMILES = MeSHName = Evans+blue Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = C34H24N6Na4O14S4 MolarMass =… …   Wikipedia

  • Evans — noun 1. United States anatomist who identified four pituitary hormones and discovered vitamin E (1882 1971) • Syn: ↑Herbert McLean Evans • Instance Hypernyms: ↑anatomist 2. British archaeologist who excavated the palace of Knossos in Crete to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Evans — I. biographical name Sir Arthur John 1851 1941 English archaeologist II. biographical name Donald Louis 1946 United States secretary of commerce (2001 ) III. biographical name Herbert McLean 1882 1971 American anatomist & embryologist IV.… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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