Evans,Sir Arthur John

Evans,Sir Arthur John
Ev·ans (ĕvʹənz), Sir Arthur John. 1851-1941.
British archaeologist who unearthed in Crete remnants of a Bronze Age civilization that he named Minoan, after the legendary King Minos.

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  • Evans, Sir Arthur (John) — born July 8, 1851, Nash Mills, Hertfordshire, Eng. died July 11, 1941, Youlbury, near Oxford, Oxfordshire British archaeologist. Son of the archaeologist Sir John Evans, he served as a curator (1884–1908) at Oxford s Ashmolean Museum. Beginning… …   Universalium

  • Evans, Sir Arthur (John) — (8 jul. 1851, Nash Mills, Hertfordshire, Inglaterra–11 jul. 1941, Youlbury, cerca de Oxford, Oxfordshire). Arqueólogo británico. Hijo del arqueólogo Sir John Evans, fue conservador (1884–1908) del Ashmolean Museum de Oxford. A partir de 1899… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Arthur John Evans — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Evans. Buste d Arthur John Evans Sir Arthur John Evans (8 juillet 1851 11  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sir Arthur John Evans — noun British archaeologist who excavated the palace of Knossos in Crete to find what he called Minoan civilization (1851 1941) • Syn: ↑Evans, ↑Arthur Evans • Instance Hypernyms: ↑archeologist, ↑archaeologist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Evans, Sir John — ▪ British antiquarian and archaeologist born Nov. 17, 1823, Burnham, Buckinghamshire, Eng. died May 31, 1908, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire       British antiquarian, numismatist, and a founder of prehistoric archaeology.       A partner in a paper… …   Universalium

  • Arthur Evans — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Arthur Evans Sir Arthur John Evans (Nash Mills, 8 de julio de 1851 – Boar Hill, 11 de julio de 1941), arqueólogo británico, descubridor del Palacio de Cnosos. Fue hijo del también arqueólogo Sir J …   Wikipedia Español

  • Arthur Evans — Arthur John Evans Pour les articles homonymes, voir Evans. Sculpture d Arthur John Evans Sir Arthur John Evans (8 juillet …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Evans — Evans, Arthur John Evans, Herbert * * * (as used in expressions) Mary Ann Evans Marian Evans Evans, Bill William John Evans Evans, Dame Edith (Mary) Evans, Frederick H(enry) Evans, George Henry Evans, Maurice (Herbert) Evans, Oliver Evans, Sir… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • EVANS (A. J.) — EVANS sir ARTHUR JOHN (1851 1941) Fils d’un célèbre archéologue anglais et archéologue lui même, Arthur John Evans se consacre d’abord à des recherches archéologiques en Laponie et dans les Balkans. Expulsé par les Autrichiens, en 1882, à cause… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sir — /serr/, n. 1. a respectful or formal term of address used to a man: No, sir. 2. (cap.) the distinctive title of a knight or baronet: Sir Walter Scott. 3. (cap.) a title of respect for some notable personage of ancient times: Sir Pandarus of Troy …   Universalium

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