
/nek"bet/, n. Egyptian Relig.
the guardian goddess of Upper Egypt, often represented as a vulture.
Also, Nekhebet /nek"euh bet'/, Nekhebit /nek"euh bit/, Nekhebt /ne kebt"/.

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Egyptian goddess
 in Egyptian religion, vulture goddess who was the protector of Upper Egypt and especially its rulers.

      Nekhbet was frequently portrayed as spreading her wings over the pharaoh while grasping in her claw the cartouche symbol or other emblems. She also appeared as a woman, often with a vulture's head, wearing a white crown, and was sometimes depicted suckling the pharaoh. The centre of Nekhbet's cult was El-Kāb (Greek: Eileithyiaspolis), but her principal epithet made her the goddess of Hierakonpolis (or Nekhen), the ancient town opposite El-Kāb, on the west bank of the Nile River.

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