- monoglot
/mon"euh glot'/, adj.1. knowing only one language; monolingual: monoglot travelers.2. composed in only one language.n.3. a person with a knowledge of only one language.[1820-30; MONO- + -GLOT]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
monoglot — [män′ō glät΄, män′əglät΄] adj. [Gr monoglōttos: see MONO & (POLY)GLOT] speaking or writing only one language n. a monoglot person … English World dictionary
monoglot — adjective Etymology: mono + glot (as in polyglot) Date: 1830 monolingual • monoglot noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
monoglot — 1. noun a person capable of speaking only a single language 2. adjective capable of speaking only a single language He thought Britain was more monoglot than ever. Syn: monolingual … Wiktionary
monoglot — [ mɒnə(ʊ)glɒt] adjective using or speaking only one language. noun a monoglot person. Origin C19: from Gk monoglōttos, from monos single + glōtta tongue … English new terms dictionary
monoglot — adj. & n. adj. using only one language. n. a monoglot person … Useful english dictionary
monoglot — mÉ‘nÉ™glÉ‘t / mÉ’nÉ™glÉ’t n. speaker of one language adj. characterized by having one language … English contemporary dictionary
monoglot — mono·glot … English syllables
monoglot — mon•o•glot [[t]ˈmɒn əˌglɒt[/t]] adj. 1) ling. knowing only one language; monolingual 2) ling. composed in only one language 3) ling. a person with a knowledge of only one language • Etymology: 1820–30 … From formal English to slang
monoglot — /ˈmɒnoʊglɒt/ (say monohglot) noun 1. a person who speaks only one language (opposed to a polyglot). –adjective 2. of or relating to such a person or group of persons …
monoglot — a.,n. (person) knowing one language only; a. written in one language only … Dictionary of difficult words