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envyingly — adverb see envy II … New Collegiate Dictionary
envyingly — adverb In an envying manner … Wiktionary
envyingly — adv. in a jealous manner, covetously … English contemporary dictionary
envyingly — en·vy·ing·ly … English syllables
envyingly — adverb Etymology: envying (present participle of envy) (II) + ly : so as to feel or show envy … Useful english dictionary
envy — envyingly, adv. /en vee/, n., pl. envies, v., envied, envying. n. 1. a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another s advantages, success, possessions, etc. 2. an object of envious feeling: Her intelligence made her the envy of… … Universalium
envy — I. noun (plural envies) Etymology: Middle English envie, from Anglo French, from Latin invidia, from invidus envious, from invidēre to look askance at, envy, from in + vidēre to see more at wit Date: 13th century 1. painful or resentful awareness … New Collegiate Dictionary
envy — /ˈɛnvi / (say envee) noun (plural envies) 1. a feeling of discontent or mortification, usually with ill will, at seeing another s superiority, advantages, or success. 2. desire for some advantage possessed by another. 3. an object of envious… …
envy — [en′vē] n. pl. envies [ME & OFr envie < L invidia < invidus, having hatred or ill will < invidere, to look askance at < in , in, upon + videre, to look: see WISE2] 1. a feeling of discontent and ill will because of another s… … English World dictionary