
/mat'euh mawr"euhs, -mohr"-/; Sp. /mah'tah maw"rddaws/, n.
a seaport in NE Mexico, on the Rio Grande opposite Brownsville, Texas. 187,000.

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City (pop., 2000: 376,279), northern Tamaulipas state, Mexico.

It is situated on the southern bank of the Rio Grande, across from Brownsville, Texas, U.S. Founded in 1824, it was the scene of bitter fighting in the Mexican War and was occupied by U.S. troops in 1846. It is now one of Mexico's chief ports of entry for tourists and a trade centre.

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▪ Puebla state, Mexico
in full  Izúcar de Matamoros  

      city, southwestern Puebla estado (state), south-central Mexico. Formerly known as Matamoros de Izúcar, the city is situated at 4,350 feet (1,326 m) above sea level on the Nexapa River, which descends through the Sierra Nevada. Livestock raising and crop growing (mainly sugarcane, rice, corn [maize], beans, and fruits) are found in the hinterland. Sugar, cheese, butter, and canned goods are the city's principal products. Beekeeping is also practiced in the area. The main highway linking Oaxaca with Mexico City passes through Matamoros, as does the narrow-gauge Mexico City–Río Balsas railroad. Pop. (2000) 39,693.

▪ Tamaulipas state, Mexico
in full  Heroica Matamoros  

      city, northern Tamaulipas estado (state), Mexico, on the southern bank of the Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte), 28 miles (45 km) from the Gulf of Mexico and across from Brownsville, Texas. Matamoros, founded in 1824, was the scene of bitter fighting in the Mexican War and was occupied by U.S. troops in 1846. It is now one of Mexico's chief ports of entry for tourists and for the import and export of goods. The manufacturing and commercial centre of an extensive cotton- and sugarcane-growing area, it has tanneries, cotton mills, and distilleries. Air, rail, and highway connections link Matamoros to Monterrey and Mexico City. Pop. (2005) urban agglom., 462,157.

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Universalium. 2010.

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