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amphibiousness — noun see amphibious … New Collegiate Dictionary
amphibiousness — noun The state or quality of being amphibious … Wiktionary
amphibiousness — n. equivocalness, ambiguity; being able to live both in water and on land … English contemporary dictionary
amphibiousness — am·phib·i·ous·ness … English syllables
amphibiousness — noun see amphibious * * * amphibˈiousness noun • • • Main Entry: ↑amphibious * * * amˈphibiousness rare 0. [f. as prec. + ness.] The quality of being amphibious; life in, or connexion with, two elements … Useful english dictionary
amphibious — adjective Etymology: Greek amphibios, literally, living a double life, from amphi + bios mode of life more at quick Date: 1643 1. combining two characteristics 2. a. relating to or adapted for both land and water < amphibious vehicles > b.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Powers and abilities of Godzilla — Over the years Godzilla has possessed many powers and abilities to use against his foes. Godzilla is generally considered to be the most powerful kaiju.Atomic Breath/Ray Godzilla s signature weapon is his distinctive Atomic Breath. Godzilla s… … Wikipedia
amphibious — amphibiously, adv. amphibiousness, n. /am fib ee euhs/, adj. 1. living or able to live both on land and in water; belonging to both land and water. 2. Also, amphibian. capable of operating on both land and water: amphibious vehicles. 3. of or… … Universalium
amphibious — /æmˈfɪbiəs / (say am fibeeuhs) adjective 1. living both on land and in water; belonging to both land and water. 2. capable of operating on both land and water: amphibious plane. 3. of a twofold nature. {Greek amphibios living a dual life}… …