
/meuh hah'vear"euh/, n.

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born traditionally с 599, Kshatriyakundagrama, India
died traditionally 527 BCE, Pavapuri

Indian reformer of the Jain monastic community, last of the 24 Tirthankaras, or saints, who founded Jainism.

Born into the warrior caste, he renounced the world at age 30 for a life of extreme asceticism. He had no possessions, not even rags to cover his body or a bowl for alms or food, and after 12 years he attained kevala, the highest stage of perception. An advocate of nonviolence and vegetarianism, he revived and reorganized Jain doctrine and established rules for its monastic order. His followers made five vows of renunciation (see Jain vrata).

Mahāvīra enthroned, miniature from the Kalpa-sūtra, 15th-century western ...

By courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

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▪ Indian mathematician
flourished c. 850, Karnataka, India

      Indian mathematician who made significant contributions to the development of algebra.

      All that is known about Mahavira's life is that he was a Jain (he perhaps took his name to honour the great Jainism reformer Mahavira [c. 599–527 BCE]) and that he wrote Ganitasarasangraha (“Compendium of the Essence of Mathematics”) during the reign of Amoghavarsha (c. 814–878) of the Rashtrakuta dynasty (Rāṣṭrakūṭa Dynasty). The work comprises more than 1,130 versified rules and examples divided in nine chapters: the first chapter for “terminology” and the rest for “mathematical procedures” such as basic operations, reductions of fractions, miscellaneous problems involving a linear or quadratic equation with one unknown, the rule of three (involving proportionality), mixture problems, geometric computations with plane figures, ditches (solids), and shadows (similar right-angled triangles).

      At the beginning of his work, Mahavira stresses the importance of mathematics in both secular and religious life and in all kinds of disciplines, including love and cooking. While giving rules for zero and negative quantities, he explicitly states that a negative number has no square root because it is not a square (of any “real number”). Besides mixture problems (interest and proportions), he treats various types of linear (linear equation) and quadratic equations (quadratic equation) (where he admits two positive solutions) and improves on the methods of Aryabhata I (b. 476). He also treats various arithmetic and geometric, as well as complex, series (see infinite series). For rough computations, Mahavira used 3 as an approximation for π, while for more exact computations he used the traditional Jain value of √10. He also included rules for permutations and combinations and for the area of a conchlike plane figure (two unequal semicircles stuck together along their diameters), all traditional Jain topics.

Takao Hayashi

▪ Jaina teacher
Sanskrit“Great Hero” also known as  Vardhamana 
born c. 599 BCE traditional dating, Kshatriyakundagrama, India
died 527 traditional dating, Pavapuri
 Epithet of Vardhamana, the last of the 24 Tirthankaras (Tirthankara) (“Ford-makers,” i.e., saviours who promulgated Jainism), and the reformer of the Jain monastic community. According to the traditions of the two main Jain sects, the Shvetambara (Śvetāmbara) (“White-robed”) and the Digambara (“Sky-clad,” i.e., naked), Mahavira became a monk and followed an extreme ascetic life, attaining kevala, the stage of omniscience or highest perception. Teaching a doctrine of austerity, Mahavira advocated nonviolence ( ahimsa) in all circumstances and the acceptance of the mahavratas, the five “great vows” of renunciation.

      Although tradition dictates that Mahavira was born about 599 BCE, many scholars believe this date to be as much as 100 years early, in that Mahavira probably lived at about the same time as the Buddha, whose traditional birth date has also been reassessed. The son of a Kshatriya (warrior caste) family, he grew up in Kshatriyakundagrama, a suburb of Vaishali (modern Basarh, Bihar state), where both Jainism and Buddhism originated. His father was Siddhartha, a ruler of the Nata, or Jnatri, clan. According to one Jain tradition, his mother was Devananda, a member of the Brahman (priestly) caste; other traditions call her Trishala, Videhadinna, or Priyakarini and place her in the Kshatriya caste.

      The 7th to 5th century BCE was a period of great intellectual, philosophical, religious, and social ferment in India, a time when members of the Kshatriya caste opposed the cultural domination of the Brahmans (Brahman), who claimed authority by virtue of their supposed innate purity. In particular, there was growing opposition to the large-scale Vedic sacrifices (yajna) that involved the killing of many animals. Because of the popularity of the doctrine of continual rebirth, which linked animals and humans in the same cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, unnecessary killing had become objectionable to many people. Economic factors may also have encouraged the growth of the doctrine of nonviolence. The leaders of the anti-Brahman sects came to be regarded as heretical. Mahavira and his contemporary Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, were two of the greatest leaders in this movement.

      Although accounts of the life of Mahavira vary for the two Jain sects, he apparently was reared in luxury, but because he was a younger son he could not inherit the leadership of the clan. At the age of 30, after (according to the Shvetambara sect) marrying a woman of the Kshatriya caste and having a daughter, Mahavira renounced the world and became a monk. He wore one garment for more than a year but later went naked and had no possessions—not even a bowl for obtaining alms or drinking water. He allowed insects to crawl on his body and bite him, bearing the pain with patience. People frequently harangued and hit him because of his uncouth and unsightly body, but he endured abusive language and physical injuries with equanimity. Meditating day and night, he lived in various places—workshops, cremation and burial grounds, and at the foot of trees. Trying to avoid all sinful activity, he especially avoided injuring any kind of life, thus developing the doctrine of ahimsa, or nonviolence. He fasted often and never ate anything that was expressly prepared for him. Although he wandered continuously during most of the year, Mahavira spent the rainy season in villages and towns. After 12 years of extreme asceticism, he attained kevala, the highest stage of perception.

Mahavira's teachings
      Mahavira may be regarded as the founder of Jainism. According to tradition, he based his doctrines on the teachings of the 23rd Tirthankara, Parshvanatha, a 7th-century BCE teacher from Banaras (Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh), Mahavira systematized earlier Jain doctrines as well as Jainism's metaphysical, mythological, and cosmological beliefs. He also established the rules of religious life for Jain monks, nuns, and laity.

      Mahavira taught that people can save their souls from the contamination of matter by living a life of extreme asceticism and by practicing nonviolence toward all living creatures. This advocacy of nonviolence encouraged his followers, monastic and lay, to become strong advocates of vegetarianism. Mahavira's followers were aided in their quest for salvation by the five mahavratas. Attributed to Mahavira (though they show connections with contemporary Brahmanical practice), these great vows were the renunciation of killing, of speaking untruths, of greed, of sexual pleasure, and of all attachments to living beings and nonliving things. Mahavira's predecessor, Parshvanatha, had preached only four vows.

      Mahavira was given the title Jina, or “Conqueror” (conqueror of enemies such as attachment and greed), which subsequently became synonymous with Tirthankara. He died, according to tradition, in 527 BCE at Pava in Bihar state, leaving a group of followers who established Jainism. Through their practice of nonviolence, they have profoundly influenced Indian culture.

Umakant Premanand Shah Ed.

Additional Reading
Padmanabh S. Jaini, The Jaina Path of Purification (1979); and Paul Dundas, The Jains (1992), deal with the issue of the chronology and contemporaneity of the Buddha and Mahavira. Jaina Sutras, (Gaina Sûtras), trans. from Prakrit by Hermann Jacobi, 2 vol. (1884–95, reissued 1994–95), supplies the earliest Jaina accounts of Mahavira and his teachings. See also Kailash Chand Jain, Lord Mahavira and his Times, rev. ed. (1991) and K.C. Lalwani, Sramana Bhagavan Mahavira: Life & Doctrine (1975).

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