
/lyuu"bek/, n.
a seaport in N Germany: important Baltic port in the medieval Hanseatic League. 210,500. See map under Hanseatic League.

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City (population 2002 est.: 213,486), northern Germany.

Founded on the site of a Slavic settlement in 1143, it developed as a trading post. It became a free city in 1226 and the seat of the Hanseatic League in 1358. It declined after the 16th century, and its trade was ruined during the Napoleonic Wars. It revived after the Elbe-Lübeck canal was built in 1900. Its status as a self-governing entity ended in 1937, when the Nazis made it part of the Prussian province of Schleswig-Holstein. It is one of Germany's largest Baltic ports. Historic sites include a 12th-century cathedral and several Gothic churches.

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in full  Hansestadt Lübeck (“Hanseatic City of Lübeck”) 
city and major seaport, Schleswig-Holstein Land (state), northern Germany. It is located on the Trave and Wakenitz rivers, about 9 miles (14 km) from the Baltic Sea. In the Middle Ages it was one of the main commercial centres of northern Europe and the chief city of the Hanseatic League (an association of towns for the protection of trading interests).

      An earlier settlement in the area was named Liubice; located at the confluence of the Schwartau and Trave rivers, 4 miles (6 km) downstream from the present city centre, it was the seat of a Slavic principality and had a castle and harbour. The German city was founded by Count Adolf II of Holstein in 1143. This settlement was destroyed by fire in 1157, but a new city was built there by Henry III, duke of Saxony, in 1159. It developed rapidly as the main trading point between the raw-material-producing countries of northern and eastern Europe and the manufacturing centres in the west.

      For a short time (120126) Lübeck belonged to Denmark, but in 1226 it was made a free imperial city by Frederick II. During this time Lübeck developed a form of self-government with its own laws and constitution. Thelaws of Lübeckwere later granted to more than 100 cities in the Baltic area, and the example of Lübeck greatly influenced the economy and appearance of those cities. In 1358 the Hanseatic League made Lübeck its administrative headquarters. This event took place a mere eight years after the city's population had been devastated by the Black Death. Subsequent decades brought increasing wealth to the city, but there were also periods of civil unrest (138084 and 140816) in which the artisans' and craftsmen's guilds actively opposed the city council, which was controlled by the merchants. The opening of the Stecknitz Canal in 1398 greatly facilitated the shipping of salt from Lüneburg. By the early 15th century, Lübeck was the second largest city (after Cologne) in northern Germany, with some 22,000 inhabitants.

 Sweeping changes came with the Protestant Reformation (152930). The city council was expelled, and the revolutionary Jürgen Wullenwever became burgomaster of Lübeck. Wullenwever waged an unsuccessful war against Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands, which brought about a decline in the city's economy and in its regional political influence. Although the Hanseatic League was effectively dissolved in 1630, Lübeck remained the most important harbour on the Baltic Sea. It was neutral during the Thirty Years' War, but during the French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars (17921815) the city's trade was completely ruined, for it was caught between economic pressures exerted by the rival powers. Lübeck was under French rule from 1811 to 1813 and after 1815 was a member state of the German Confederation.

      From 1866 Lübeck belonged to the North German Confederation and from 1871 to the German Empire (Germany). The city's economy was restored with the construction of the Elbe-Lübeck Canal in 1900. Its status as a separate, self-governing entity, dating from 1226, ended in 1937 when the Nazi (Nazi Party) regime made it part of the Prussian province of Schleswig-Holstein. In World War II a large part of the historic inner city was destroyed by a British bombing raid (March 28, 1942), but the area was restored during postwar reconstruction. At the end of the war, the city's population swelled tremendously with the arrival of 100,000 German refugees who had fled the Soviet advance in the east.

      Lübeck is the largest Baltic harbour of Germany, and the port is a major employer in the city. Paper and wood products, fruit, grain, automobiles, salt, and fertilizer are among the cargoes handled, and there is a significant amount of ferry traffic. Other industries include shipbuilding, metalworking, and food processing; services related to finance, communications, and the tourist trade have become increasingly important.

 Like his brother and fellow writer Heinrich Mann (Mann, Heinrich) (18711950), the novelist Thomas Mann (Mann, Thomas) (18751955) was born to a patrician family in Lübeck, which forms the setting for his novel Buddenbrooks (1900). The inner city was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987; it retains a distinctive medieval character in its narrow cobblestone streets and its faithfully restored houses and shops, along with its ecclesiastical and municipal structures. Among Lübeck's outstanding monuments are the Marienkirche (St. Mary's Church, a 13th14th-century brick structure in the Gothic style), the Romanesque cathedral (begun in 1173 under Henry III), and the magnificent Rathaus (city hall), built in a combination of Gothic and Renaissance styles. Waterways and parklands outline the inner city, where the moat and ramparts once shielded it from attack. Two towered gates are remnants of the medieval fortifications: the Burgtor (1444), which received a new roof in 1685, and the famous Holstentor (1478), which has housed the municipal museum since 1950. Upon the archway of the Holstentor is the benedictionConcordia domi foris pax” (“Concord at home, peace outside”). Celebrations for the city's 850th anniversary were held in 1993. Pop. (2003 est.) 212,754.

Additional Reading
Phillipe Dollinger, The German Hansa (1970; originally published in French, 1964), traces the history of the Hanseatic League and Lübeck's part in it.

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