
/lee"geuhr/, n.
a member of a league.
[1585-95; LEAGUE1 + -ER1]
/lee"geuhr/, Archaic.
1. to besiege.
2. a siege.
[1590-1600; < D leger army, camp. See LAIR1]

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  • Leaguer — Lea guer, n. [D. leger camp, bed, couch, lair. See {Lair}, and cf.{Beleaguer}.] 1. The camp of a besieging army; a camp in general. b. Jonson. [1913 Webster] 2. A siege or beleaguering. [R.] Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Leaguer — Lea guer, v. t. To besiege; to beleaguer. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • leaguer — leaguer1 [lē′gər] n. [Du leger, a camp, bed: see LAIR] Archaic 1. a siege 2. a) a besieging army b) its camp vt. Obs. to besiege leaguer2 [lē′gər] …   English World dictionary

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  • leaguer — I. noun Etymology: Dutch leger; akin to Old High German legar bed more at lair Date: 1537 1. a military camp 2. siege II. transitive verb Date: circa 1720 archaic besiege, beleagu …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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