law of averages

law of averages
1. a statistical principle formulated by Jakob Bernoulli to show a more or less predictable ratio between the number of random trials of an event and its occurrences.
2. Informal. the principle that, in the long run, probability as naively conceived will operate and influence any one occurrence.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • law of averages — ► NOUN ▪ the supposed principle that future events are likely to turn out so that they balance any past deviation from a presumed average …   English terms dictionary

  • law of averages — n. the popularly held supposition that a possible event can be expected to occur with a frequency at or near its probability …   English World dictionary

  • Law of averages — The law of averages is a lay term used to express a belief that outcomes of a random event shall even out within a small sample.As invoked in everyday life, the law usually reflects bad statistics or wishful thinking rather than any mathematical… …   Wikipedia

  • law of averages — noun a) The statistical tendency toward a fixed proportion in the results when an experiment is repeated a large number of times; the law of large numbers. ... as they will not have sufficient distribution of risk to permit the law of averages to …   Wiktionary

  • law of averages — {n. phr.} The idea that you can t win all the time or lose all the time. * /The Celtics have won 10 games in a row but the law of averages will catch up with them soon./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • law of averages — {n. phr.} The idea that you can t win all the time or lose all the time. * /The Celtics have won 10 games in a row but the law of averages will catch up with them soon./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • law\ of\ averages — n. phr. the idea that you can t win all the time or lose all the time. The Celtics have won 10 games in a row but the law of averages will catch up with them soon …   Словарь американских идиом

  • law of averages, the — noun the principle that if something with more than one possible result happens enough times, the result you want is certain to happen at some time …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • law of averages — law′ of av′erages n. 1) cvb sta a statistical principle formulated by Jakob Bernoulli to show a more or less predictable ratio between the number of random trials of an event and the outcomes that result 2) cvb sts the principle that, in the long …   From formal English to slang

  • law of averages — noun a law affirming that in the long run probabilities will determine performance • Hypernyms: ↑law, ↑law of nature …   Useful english dictionary

  • law of averages — Date: 1874 the commonsense observation that probability influences everyday life so that over the long term the possible outcomes of a repeated event occur with specific frequencies …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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