- larviparous
producing larvae, as certain insects and mollusks.[1805-15; LARV(A) + -I- + -PAROUS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Larviparous — Lar*vip a*rous, a. [Larva + L. parete to bring forth.] (Zo[ o]l.) Depositing living larv[ae], instead of eggs; said of certain insects. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
larviparous — bearing fish larvae rather than eggs, e.g. Sebastes (Scorpaenidae) … Dictionary of ichthyology
larviparous — adj. [L. larva, mask; parere, to produce] Producing by bringing forth living larvae; viviparous; see oviparous … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
larviparous — Larvae bearing; denoting passage of larvae, rather than eggs, from the body of the female, as in certain nematodes and insects. [larva + L. pario, to bear] * * * lar·vip·a·rous lär vip ə rəs adj bearing and bringing forth young that are larvae… … Medical dictionary
larviparous — adj. (Zoology) producing larvae (of certain insects) … English contemporary dictionary
larviparous — lar·vip·a·rous … English syllables
larviparous — (ˈ)lär|vipərəs adjective Etymology: probably from (assumed) New Latin larviparus, from New Latin larvi + Latin parus parous : bearing and bringing forth young that are larvae used especially of specialized two winged flies and some mollusks;… … Useful english dictionary
Ostreidae — True Oysters Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Wohlfahrtia — A genus of larviparous dipterous fleshflies (family Sarcophagidae), of which some species larvae breed in ulcerated surfaces and flesh wounds of humans and animals. Important species include W. magnifica, a widely distributed obligatory fleshfly… … Medical dictionary
bivalve — bivalvular /buy val vyeuh leuhr/, adj. /buy valv /, n. 1. Also called lamellibranch. Zool. any mollusk, as the oyster, clam, scallop, or mussel, of the class Bivalvia, having two shells hinged together, a soft body, and lamellate gills. adj. 2.… … Universalium