ISN — is an initialism that can stand for:* International Relations and Security Network, a free public service that provides a wide range of high quality and comprehensive products and resources to encourage the exchange of information among… … Wikipedia
isn't — (is not) v. not exist, not live, not occupy a position, not exist in a particular condition (first person, singular form) … English contemporary dictionary
isn't — ► CONTRACTION ▪ is not … English terms dictionary
isn't — [iz′ənt] contraction is not … English World dictionary
isn't he? — isn’t he/she just/doesn’t he/she just/? spoken phrase used for emphasizing that you completely agree with what someone has just said, especially a criticism ‘That man loves the sound of his own voice.’ ‘Doesn’t he just?’ Thesaurus: ways of… … Useful english dictionary
ISN'T — contr. is not. * * * /ˈızn̩t/ used as a contraction of is not This isn t the way I expected it to be. She isn t coming to dinner. * * * isn t [isn t] [ˈɪznt] [ˈɪznt] short form is not * * * … Useful english dictionary
ISN — I ISN [Abk. für Initial Sequence Number, dt. »Anfangs Sequenznummer«], Internet: beim Aufbau von TCP/IP Verbindungen zufällig ausgewählte Zahl zur Synchronisation der Paketnummerierungssysteme. II ISN … Universal-Lexikon
isn't — A ole. Isn t it? a ole anei? ♦ He isn t going, a ole oia e hele ana … English-Hawaiian dictionary
ISN — Die Abkürzung ISN steht für: Idioma de Signos Nicaragüense Interessengemeinschaft der Schweinehalter Deutschlands Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
isn't — is|n t [ ıznt ] short form the usual way of saying or writing is not. This is not often used in formal writing: Isn t she here yet? … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English