ionization chamber

ionization chamber
an apparatus for detecting and analyzing ionizing radiation, consisting of a vessel filled with a gas at normal or lower than normal pressure and fitted with two electrodes such that the current between the electrodes is a function of the amount of ionization of the gas. Also called ion chamber.

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       radiation detector used for determining the intensity of a beam of radiation or for counting individual charged particles. The device may consist of a gas-filled, cylindrical container in which an electric field is maintained by impressing a voltage that keeps the wall negative relative to a wire extending along the axis. When a photon or a charged particle enters the chamber, it converts some of the gas molecules to positive ions and electrons; under the influence of the electric field, these particles migrate to the wall and the wire, respectively, and cause an observable pulse of current to flow through the circuit joining these elements.

      A proportional counter is a modified ionization chamber, one in which a higher voltage is impressed, making the electric field near the axial wire intense enough to accelerate the approaching electrons to energies so high that their collisions with the gas molecules cause further ionization. This effect, called gas multiplication, makes the output electric pulse proportional to the ionization produced by the radiation entering the counter and thus permits differentiation among particles of various kinds and energies.

      A Geiger-Müller counter results from the application of a still-higher voltage across the electrodes of a proportional counter. Individual particles of various kinds and energies entering a Geiger-Müller counter produce essentially the same large output pulse, making the instrument an excellent counter of individual particles. The mixture of gases within a Geiger counter quenches the avalanche of ions produced by a single particle of radiation so that the device can recover to detect another particle. An additional significant increase in voltage causes a continuous current to flow through the gas between the electrodes, rendering the device useless for detecting radiation.

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Universalium. 2010.

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