
/in"teuhr kom'/, n. Informal.
1. an intercommunication system.
2. a microphone or receiver of an intercommunication system.
[1935-40; by shortening]

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  • intercom — INTERCÓM s.n. (tehn.) Interfon. – Din engl. intercom. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  INTERCÓM s.n. Sistem de comunicaţii interior (între pilot şi echipajul unui avion sau în interiorul unei fabrici). [cf. germ.… …   Dicționar Român

  • intercom — 1940, colloquial shortening of intercommunication (mid 15c., discussion, conference; see INTER (Cf. inter ) + COMMUNICATION (Cf. communication)), which is attested from 1911 in reference to systems of linked telephones …   Etymology dictionary

  • intercom — ► NOUN ▪ an electrical device allowing one way or two way communication. ORIGIN abbreviation of intercommunication …   English terms dictionary

  • intercom — [in′tər käm΄] n. a radio or telephone intercommunication system, as between rooms of a building …   English World dictionary

  • Intercom — Call button redirects here. For call buttons provided to patients in a health care setting, see Nurse call button. Intercom system in the Pittock Mansion An intercom (intercommunication device), talkback or doorphone is a stand alone voice… …   Wikipedia

  • intercom — noun INTERCOM + VERB ▪ buzz, crackle ▪ sound INTERCOM + NOUN ▪ system ▪ button PREPOSITION …   Collocations dictionary

  • intercom — UK [ˈɪntə(r)ˌkɒm] / US [ˈɪntərˌkɑm] noun [countable] Word forms intercom : singular intercom plural intercoms a system or a piece of electrical equipment that allows people in different parts of a building, aircraft, or ship to speak to each… …   English dictionary

  • Intercom — Türsprechstelle einer Sprechanlage mit Auswahl des Gesprächspartners Eine Sprechanlage, auch Intercom (von lat. Inter zwischen und lat. communicare kommunizieren) genannt, ist ein Kommunikationsmittel zur Übermittlung von Sprache mittels… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • intercom — in|ter|com [ ıntər,kam ] noun count a piece of electrical equipment or a system that allows people in different parts of a building, aircraft, or ship to speak to each other: over the intercom: The captain had explained the situation over the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • intercom — in|ter|com [ˈıntəkɔm US ˈıntərka:m] n [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: intercommunication (system)] a communication system by which people in different parts of a building, aircraft etc can speak to each other ▪ The pilot s voice came over the intercom …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • intercom — [[t]ɪ̱ntə(r)kɒm[/t]] intercoms N COUNT An intercom is a small box with a microphone which is connected to a loudspeaker in another room. You use it to talk to the people in the other room …   English dictionary

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