
insensibly, adv.insensibility, n.
/in sen"seuh beuhl/, adj.
1. incapable of feeling or perceiving; deprived of sensation; unconscious, as a person after a violent blow.
2. without or not subject to a particular feeling or sensation: insensible to shame; insensible to the cold.
3. unaware; unconscious; inappreciative: We are not insensible of your kindness.
4. not perceptible by the senses; imperceptible: insensible transitions.
5. unresponsive in feeling.
6. not susceptible of emotion or passion; void of any feeling.
7. not endowed with feeling or sensation, as matter; inanimate.
[1350-1400; ME < L insensibilis. See IN-3, SENSIBLE]
Syn. 5, 6. apathetic, unfeeling, indifferent, cool; dull, passionless, emotionless, torpid.

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