
/hash"euh muyt'/, n.
1. a member of any Arab dynasty in the Middle East founded by Husein ibn-Ali or his descendants.
2. of or pertaining to the Hashimites.
[1690-1700; Hashim great-grandfather of Muhammad + -ITE1]

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▪ Islamic history
also spelled  Hashemite,  

      any of the Arab descendants, either direct or collateral, of the prophet Muḥammad (Muhammad), from among whom came the family that created the 20th-century Hāshimite dynasty. Muḥammad himself was a member of the house of Hāshim (Hāshem), a subdivision of the Quraysh tribe. The most revered line of Hāshimites passed through Ḥasan, son of the Prophet's daughter Fāṭimah and her husband, ʿAlī, the fourth caliph. Ḥasan was the last of this line to hold disputed claim to the caliphate, but his progeny eventually established themselves as hereditary emirs of Mecca, the role continuing under Ottoman rule. Of such stock were Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, emir of Mecca and king of Hejaz from 1916 to 1924, and his sons Fayṣal and ʿAbd Allāh, who became kings of Iraq and Jordan, respectively, founding the modern Hāshimite dynasty.

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Universalium. 2010.

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