- GU
1. genitourinary.2. Guam (approved esp. for use with zip code).
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▪ Chinese vesseltype of Chinese vessel, it was a tall wine beaker with a trumpet-shaped top, a restricted centre section, and a slightly flared base; the whole silhouette was unusually taut and graceful. Decoration found on the gu includes snakes, cicadas, the taotie, or monster mask, and the gui, or dragonlike monster with curled tail and gaping jaw.The bronze gu was produced during the Shang and early Zhou dynasties (18th–11th century BC). A pottery form of the gu also existed and was popular during the early Shang dynasty, before gradually disappearing during the early and middle Zhou dynasty. This pottery form of the gu was sometimes used in funerary rites. It is believed that there may also have been a wooden form of the gu during the Zhou dynasty.any of several sizes and shapes of Chinese drum, with a body that is usually made of wood and a head that is usually made of animal skin. Two-headed gu may be barrel-shaped, cylindrical, or hourglass-shaped. Single-headed gu, such as the bangu, may be in the shape of a deep or shallow basin. Sizes vary from folk instruments that fit easily in one hand to ceremonial instruments more than 2 metres (61/2 feet) in diameter. Some are played with bare hands, others with sticks wielded by one or two performers. Specialized gu have developed for different occasions and types of ensembles. Luogu, the combination of drums with gongs ( luo), is very common and has its own specialized notation.* * *
Universalium. 2010.