Grand Duchy of Muscovy

Grand Duchy of Muscovy
Muscovy (def. 1).
Also, Grand Duchy of Moscow.

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  • Grand Duchy of Muscovy — Grand′ Duch′y of Mus′covy n. Muscovy 1) Also called Grand′ Duch′y of Mos′cow …   From formal English to slang

  • Grand Duchy of Moscow — Muscovy redirects here. For other uses, see Muscovy (disambiguation). Grand Duchy of Moscow Великое Княжество Московское Velikoye Knyazhestvo Moskovskoye Tributary of the Golden Horde until 1480 …   Wikipedia

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  • Muscovy — /mus keuh vee/, n. 1. Also called Grand Duchy of Muscovy. a principality founded c1271 and centered on the ancient city of Moscow. Its rulers gradually gained control over the neighboring Great Russian principalities and established the Russian… …   Universalium

  • Muscovy — Mus•co•vy [[t]ˈmʌs kə vi[/t]] n. 1) geg Also called Grand Duchy of Muscovy a principality founded c1271 and centered on Moscow: gained control over the neighboring Great Russian principalities and established the Russian Empire under the czars.… …   From formal English to slang

  • Muscovy (disambiguation) — Muscovy (also Moscovia, Moscovie, Moskovia; in Russian: Московия) is a historical European term for the Principality of Moscow and the Grand Duchy of Moscow. It may also refer to one of the following: An inaccurate name for the Grand Duchy of… …   Wikipedia

  • grand duke — grand ducal, adj. 1. the sovereign of a territory called a grand duchy, ranking next below a king. 2. a son of a czar or of a czar s son. [1685 95] * * * ▪ European peerage feminine  grand duchess,  also called (in Russia)  grand prince  and… …   Universalium

  • Muscovy — [mus′kə vē] 1. former grand duchy, surrounding and including Moscow, that expanded into the Russian Empire under Ivan IV (16th cent.) 2. former name for RUSSIA …   English World dictionary

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