- grand
adj.1. impressive in size, appearance, or general effect: grand mountain scenery.2. stately, majestic, or dignified: In front of an audience her manner is grand and regal.3. highly ambitious or idealistic: grand ideas for bettering the political situation.4. magnificent or splendid: a grand palace.5. noble or revered: a grand old man.6. highest, or very high, in rank or official dignity: a grand potentate.7. main or principal; chief: the grand ballroom.8. of great importance, distinction, or pretension: a man used to entertaining grand personages.9. complete or comprehensive: a grand total.10. pretending to grandeur, as a result of minor success, good fortune, etc.; conceited: Jane is awfully grand since she got promoted.11. first-rate; very good; splendid: to have a grand time; to feel grand.12. Music. written on a large scale or for a large ensemble: a grand fugue.n.14. Informal. an amount equal to a thousand dollars: The cops found most of the loot, but they're still missing about five grand.[1350-1400; 1920-25 for def. 14; ME gra(u)nd, gra(u)nt < OF grant, grand < L grand- (s. of grandis) great, large full-grown]Syn. 2. princely, regal, royal, exalted. 4. great, large, palatial; brilliant, superb. 9. inclusive.
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(as used in expressions)Grand Duchy of LuxembourgGrand Alliance War of theGrand Shrine of IseLe Mans Grand Prix d'EnduranceGrand Prix de RomeGOP Grand Old PartyGrand Duchy of Warsaw* * *
Universalium. 2010.