- glass lizard
any limbless, snakelike lizard of the genus Ophisaurus, inhabiting the eastern U.S., Europe, and Asia, having external ear openings and the ability to regenerate its long, fragile tail. Also called glass snake.
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▪ reptileany lizard of the genus Ophisaurus in the family Anguidae, so named because the tail is easily broken off. The Eastern glass lizard, Ophisaurus ventralis, occurs in southeastern North America and grows to about 105 cm (41 inches). Together, the lizard's head and body account for only 30 to 35 percent of its total length. It has no legs but is easily distinguished from a snake by its ears, movable eyelids, nonexpandable jaws, and the fact that the scales on the lower and upper sides of the body are of equal size. It closely resembles the slender glass lizard, O. attenuatus, which has a broader distribution in southeastern North America northwestward into the upper Mississippi River valley. Unlike O. ventralis, which has a broad band along each lower side, O. attenuatus has narrow dark lines.Both species live in loose soil, among leaves and grass, or under roots or stones. O. apodus, found over much of southeastern Europe, southwestern Asia, and northern Africa, grows to about 120 cm long (two-thirds of this length is tail). The glass lizards are egg layers that produce modest clutches of 5–15 eggs. Each clutch is often attended by a female. Glass lizards principally inhabit grassland or open forest environments and eat a large variety of invertebrates.* * *
Universalium. 2010.