
/jir"euhn dohl'/, n.
1. a rotating and radiating firework.
2. an ornate bracket for candelabra or the like, sometimes with a reflecting mirror at the back of the shelf.
3. a brooch or earring consisting of a central ornament with usually three smaller ornaments hanging from it.
Also, girandola /ji ran"dl euh/.
[1625-35; < F < It girandola, deriv. of girare to turn in a circle < L gyrare, deriv. of gyrus a circle < Gk gyros]

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wall bracket
      elaborate wall bracket incorporating one or more candleholders and frequently a mirror to reflect the light. An object of luxury, it was usually embellished with carving and gilding. Although the name is Italian in origin, girandoles reached the greatest heights of fashion (in the second half of the 18th century) in France and England. At the beginning of this period they represented the most exuberant expression of the Rococo.

      The English cabinetmaker Thomas Chippendale (Chippendale, Thomas) illustrated examples in the Gothic and Chinese taste in The Gentleman and Cabinet-maker's Director in 1754. Ruined arches, Chinese temples and pagodas, Greek columns, scrolls, fountains, waterfalls, foliage, and animals were popular motifs. More restrained and delicate designs were used during the Neoclassical revival of the late 18th century.

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  • girandole — [ji ran′də ləjir′ən dōl΄] n. [Fr < It girandola < girare, to turn < LL gyrare < gyrus, a circle < Gr gyros: see GYRO ] 1. a revolving cluster of fireworks 2. a revolving water jet 3. a branched candleholder, often attached to a… …   English World dictionary

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