- gay liberation
—gay liberationist.a political and social movement to combat legal and social discrimination against homosexuals.[1965-70]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Gay Liberation — is the name used to describe the radical lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender movement of the late 1960s and early to mid 1970s in North America, Western Europe, and Australia and New Zealand. The phrase is somewhat synonymous with the… … Wikipedia
gay liberation — To those born after the legalization of homosexuality in 1967 and still subject to harassment, it may seem ridiculous to claim that progress has been made. Deep seated prejudices continue to block acceptance of homosexuals. Reasons advanced… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
Gay Liberation Front — (GLF) was the name of a number of Gay Liberation groups, the first of which was formed in New York City in 1969, immediately after the Stonewall riots.GLF in the United StatesThe Gay Liberation Front The Activist GLF was interested in the sexual… … Wikipedia
Gay Liberation Front — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda The Purple Hand (La mano púrpura), uno de los primeros símbolos del movimiento de liberación gay El Gay Liberation Front (GLF; en español Frente de Liberación Gay) fue una organización política formada en junio de… … Wikipedia Español
Gay Liberation Front — (GLF) est le nom dans les années 70, de plusieurs groupes américains militant pour la libération homosexuelle ; le premier d entre eux fut fondé en 1969 à New York par Craig Rodwell et Brenda Howard, immédiatement après les émeutes de… … Wikipédia en Français
gay liberation — gay liberationist. a political and social movement to combat legal and social discrimination against homosexuals. [1965 70] … Useful english dictionary
Gay Liberation Front — Die Gay Liberation Front (GLF) war eine politische Lesben und Schwulengruppe, die sich als Reaktion auf den Stonewall Aufstand im Juni 1969 gründete. Der Name wurde als Anspielung auf die südvietnamesische Befreiungsfront Vietkong gewählt. Als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
gay liberation — /geɪ lɪbəˈreɪʃən/ (say gay libuh rayshuhn) noun a political and social movement whose members aim to change laws and social attitudes which discriminate against homosexuals. Also, gay lib …
gay liberation movement — noun the movement aimed at liberating homosexuals from legal or social or economic oppression • Syn: ↑gay lib • Hypernyms: ↑campaign, ↑cause, ↑crusade, ↑drive, ↑movement, ↑effort … Useful english dictionary
Norwegian National Association for Lesbian and Gay Liberation — Landsforeningen for lesbisk og homofil frigjøring (LLH) (in English: The National Association for Lesbian and Gay Liberation) is a Norwegian working politically and socially so that those who are gay, lesbian and bisexual can live openly without… … Wikipedia